Basil, Italian Large Leaf
Beans, Contender (bush)
Beans, Kentucky Blue (pole)
Beans, Royal Burgundy (bush)
Beet, Detroit Supreme
Beet, Red Ace Hybrid
Broccoli, De Cicco
Cabbage, Golden Acre
Cabbage, Bok Choy
Carrot, Chantenay
Carrot, Imperator
Carrot, Rainbow Blend
Carrot, Scarlet Nantes
Cauliflower, Early Snowball
Cucumber, Spacemaster
Dill, Daphne's Dill
Godetia, Double Azalea Flowered Mix
Lettuce, Prizehead
Lettuce, Buttercrunch
Lettuce, Red Sails
Lettuce, Gourmet Blend
Lettuce, Red Romaine
Marigold, Yellow
Marigold, Red/Yellow
Mesclun, Mesclun
Mesclun, Mixed Salad Greens
Nasturtium, Dwarf Jewel Mix
Nasturtium, Glorious Gleam Mix
Parsley, Moss Curled
Parsnip, Andover
Peas, Super Sugar Snap
Peas, Tall Telephone
Peppers, California Wonder 300 TMR
Peppers, Purple Beauty
Peppers, Golden Calwonder
Peppers, Quadrato Rosso D'Asti
Peppers, Early Jalapeno
Pumpkin, Small Sugar N. E. Pie
Radishes, Gourmet Blend
Spinach, Tyee Hybrid
Squash, Waltham Butternut
Squash, Burpee's Fordhook Zucchini
Squash, Early Golden Summer Crookneck
Squash, Acorn
Sunflowers, Vanilla Ice
Tomato, Black Cherry
Tomato, Brandywine
Tomato, Cherokee Purple
Tomato, Green Grape
Tomato, Kellogg's Breakfast
Tomato, Marglobe
Tomato, Miracle of the Market
Tomato, Nyagous
Tomato, Tumbling Tom
So far I've only spent $14.49, including shipping/handling, for everything on the list! I have received free seeds from Your Choice Tomato SASE, Garden Girl, Ed Hume Seeds, Daphne's Dandelions, EG and my daughter, Amy (my Christmas present).
I know I'm going to run out of garden beds for everything I'd like to plant this year, so I'm planning on a few containers that can be set wherever I find room. These boxes, photo from Better Homes and Gardens, would be a cute and easy way to add a bit of space. They are lined with landscape fabric to keep the soil in:

Impressive seed inventory and even better that it only set you back 15 bucks! I see a few things I am growing in there. The kentucky blue beans, bok choy & a few of the tom's. I like the look of the planters. I just might make a few and hang them off the brick wall. Looks like a zucchini would fit nice in one.
ReplyDeleteDan, the planters would be so simple to build. I wouldn't even have to buy the materials, I have them all. I love the colors, too.
ReplyDeleteI'll have a big expense coming with the plants I have to buy this year, along with the load of leaf & twig compost (hopefully the last load I have to buy). I found a source for composted horsey-poo for free (I load) or $5 (they load). I hope it is still available when I get back home.
Love those garden boxes! So cute!
ReplyDeleteMomyamy, I have not been able to comment on your blog since Anya's hairdo. For some reason, the word verification won't show for just sticks on "Loading..." I just want you to know I visit you daily, and I will be making that delicious looking chicken recipe!
ReplyDeleteDelivered compost can sure get expensive as I found out when I had 5 yards dumped last spring for my raised beds. I am going to try and get enough from the city this year for my expanding, it's free. I am defiantly going to try three of these planters and I really like the colors as well. Hanging them off the wall within reach at 3 different levels is just what I need I think.
ReplyDeleteIf you find room for melons just let me know, I have the melon seed coming that I just put on the blog and I also have a few "Savor F1" from Johnny's, also grows a melon for two.
Ditto with the planters. Even I could make them...maybe.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the seed offer. I'll send you my address.
Dan, a couple of those melons might fit in the crate planters! I'd love to try them, but just a couple this year (eek...will I have room to walk through the garden?) Or maybe they could use a corner of the raspberry bed, as the new canes won't take over right away.
ReplyDeleteI won't have the compost delivered, but the kind I want from the nursery is $45 a yard, U-haul. Luckily, a yard will be all I need this year.
Hey - the price is right! How fabulous! I can hardly wait to see them all happily growing away. Love the idea of an annual list too... might have to make a post like that myself. You know, cause I won't remember next year!
ReplyDeleteYour list is as long as mine. I'm really trying not to get anymore, but I keep thinking, maybe spinach would be good to try again. I wish I had some composted manure available. That would be a very nice resource.
ReplyDeleteMike is looking for a local job that will take him off the road/out of the truck and give him more time at home. Our garden last year was a huge expense and much of it flat wasted because A) it's at the back of the yard...too far to walk over hole-y terrain and B) I kill plants. If he's here we'll have a wonderful producing garden. I can't wait!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm loving those planter boxes!!
Granny, that alot of stuff! Those planters look pretty cool, but the colors aren't manly enough for me. I'd have to go with white. Can I get a "poopyhead" out of ya this morning? I'm feeling kinda flat. Heh.
Awww, EG, my favorite Poopyhead! I'll even throw in a Little Whippersnapper. There, are ya feeling better?
ReplyDeleteTeresa, I'm so glad to hear from you! That would be wonderful if Mike can work closer to home. I know how great he is with gardens, I hope he gets a chance to plant a big one this year. Hugs to you, sweetie...I hope things are going better with you and the fam damnly. ;-)
ReplyDeleteha! Yeah, that made me feel much better!
I'm staring at your list and getting inspired. I have so much space that's going unplanted because I think I have too much of everything already, but I never think of alternate varieties. We get such weak and never direct sun to boot which makes everything runty. You're an inspiration, Granny!!!
Ribbit, last year was your trial period, this year will be your success! I do suggest you try different varieties, if only to see which performs best for you. I was very disappointed in a couple of my lettuces, but I know which ones grew well and I'll plant only those in the future.
ReplyDeleteAfter I use up all my leftover seeds.
Which will probably be around the year 2019!
Have you considered Irish eyes seeds out of Ellensburg? They're close to you and grow their own seeds. I may get potatoes from them, but they have more than potatoes. Just a thought.
ReplyDeleteGreat that you've got so much and that you're planting so much!
I hadn't checked them out, Sifonian. I'm only going to plant a dozen potatoes this year, and we have Columbia Grain & Feed close by that carries good seed potatoes, as well as the Walla Walla sweet onion plants and the yellow onion sets that I need. If Dan sends me those melon seeds I think I'll skip the sweet potatoes this year and do melons in the bottom half of that old compost barrel.
ReplyDeleteI'm skipping the sweet potatoes too this year although I did really want to try them. I guess I have to draw the line somewhere.
ReplyDeleteThe melons are coming from the Seed Savers Exchange so they will get here fast. If you send your address to I will send some as soon as they get here. How many do you need? They say to plant 5 to a hill or space one every six inches.
I will send the ones I have the photo up of, they are an heirloom so the seed can be saved as long as there no other melons around.
Nice list, so much yummyness :) I've been telling my hubby he needs to make me some planters - those look very cute. I'm thinking your garlic and shallots are okay. The garlic that I planted last fall is just starting to grow.
ReplyDeleteI hope so, Connie. I worry that they didn't have a layer of leaves or anything to protect them. I'd almost bet I lost my rosemary.