My wireless reception has now deteriorated to "no signal", unless I prop the laptop right up to the bedroom window! Precarious, I know, but I'm desperate. I searched for a signal booster antenna in Parker, AZ and in Blythe, CA.......nada. I could order one on line, but I'd like to buy where I can return it if it doesn't work. And....do I want to spend money on something that will probably only be used another 6 weeks? I wish my son John were here, I'll bet he could build me one!
Too bad. I had such high hopes when you got your internet with a good signal. At least it is only 6 more weeks. Then you can get home.
ReplyDeleteBlech. No Internet does leave you with tons of hand and foot time, however!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my! We had excellent internet service just blocks from your home (in the desert)... but we have our own wireless hotspot (Verizon 3g with a wireless router). I wonder if a Radio Shack or one of the vendors in Q would have a booster... I'll keep a lookout for one, even if you decide not to get one.
ReplyDeleteDid you ever check into a wifi card? One that goes where you go?
ReplyDeleteHahahahha, sorry Granny, I had to laugh at that photo. Sorry to hear about the continual internet problems!
ReplyDeleteOh no. I was really hoping you'd have better luck. I wish I could help you out, but I'm a dummy on anything computer-related. I don't think it's probably worth it to spend money on something for that little bit of time. Maybe just "stick it out"......and swear to all of us NO MORE ARIZONA!!!
Look on the bright side; when you finally get broadband back it'll seem super-fast!
ReplyDeletePretty soon, you'll be sitting outside in the truck! Just like the good old days at the library :)
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to have you back home AG. It'll be an official new garden season AND you won't be having these troubles anymore. But your dear friend and neighbor will be missing. Sigh. Anyone new move in that you know of?
ReplyDeleteI had to buy one on line also. It was the best $75.00 I spent as I feel like my right arm is cut off if I don't have my internet. It worked great. They got the internet fixed here so I don't need it any more. But for me it was worth it.
ReplyDeleteDaphne, maybe sooner than that if I have my way about it. As soon as I finish with my dentist visits (2 more trips), I'll be watching for a three day good weather break and head for home. Unfortunately this has been a bad winter, we might not get three good days until April!
Ribbit, I'm even losing interest in that. The population is changing, the "good guys" are dying off and we're getting a completely different crowd here now. The newbies don't play cards, so there's a struggle to get enough of us together for a game any more. Even some that do show up (men) are unbearable old farts, and not much fun to play with. I wanna go home and play poker with my son, even if he does always beat me.
Good idea, Heidi. I didn't realize Radio Shack was still over there since the building burned down. We haven't been over to check out the vendors yet, kind of waiting for the big tent to go up. We don't go to Quartzsite so often since they ruined the Main Event and took away so much of the parking by widening the street. Nicer to drive through now, but not as fun to shop.
Apple Pie Gal, yes I did. We have ATT, and it's $60 a month (plus taxes) on a 2 year contract. I have Charter Cable internet at home for half that price, and don't really want to cancel that. This has been the worst year ever for internet down here, I can only hope they come up with something more reliable by next year.
Meems, this morning I'm just balancing the laptop on one hand and the windowsill to send and receive, and returning to the kitchen table to type!
Sue, I'm all for that.....if only this property would sell! We've had some interest this past month, but not a single offer yet.
Oh, TIG.....it will be haeaven! One gets very spoiled with unlimited, always on, access! We don't even own a paper atlas or dictionary any more, I just run to the computer if I need information!
Robin, when the weather gets a bit warmer, I can sit outside in the side yard closest to the park. Of course, I'll have to rig up some sort of shade box, as this laptop absolutely cannot be seen in outside light. Or maybe I should just go park in my driveway and sit in the truck. I'm used to that ;-)
Kelly, my daughter said there isn't even a for sale sign up, although they did have an estate sale last October, and sold everything from the house. I know they were going to have a new roof put on, to replace the old shake shingles, so maybe they are waiting for spring/summer to do that.
Debbie, Heidi (above) will be watching for one for me. Did you want to sell yours? ;-)
Sorry no, I don't know if the parks we visit will have good internet connection or not so I take it with me when we go south for the winter. This park fixed the connection but you never know when you might need it. Anyway mines is for a mac.