The first 2012 seed catalog arrived today! Does that mean I dare hope spring will soon be here? Or that I dare hope our 2012 gardening season will be better than it was in 2011? I hope, I hope, I hope!!!

Thank you to
Robin for the gift of membership to Mike the Gardener's Seeds of the Month Club! Seeds of friendship will grow in my garden this year.

How adorable is this card from my dear
Sassy Butterfly? It looks like Otto and Annie walking in a
wiener wonderland, LOL! And a stocking stuffed with two new varieties of tomato seeds! I'm very anxious to try them.

Of course, I can't leave out my gift to me! Free seeds from
Wintersown. org! If you haven't sent for yours, be sure to do so ASAP!
Now, if that doesn't give us HOPE that spring is coming, I don't know what will!
Let the garden planning days begin!
ReplyDeleteI was watching a TV show about how La Niña affected our weather across the US last year. Hopefully she will calm down in 2012 and you will have more sun and normal temperatures this growing season. So happy to see your gift of seeds from Seeds of the Month Club from Robin. What a sweetie she is :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to see your post from yesterday and today. I've missed you. That's some nice goodies you have there.
ReplyDeleteOur winter here hasn't been bad at all but I'm always ready for Spring to appear.
Erin, since you were such a good girl to send me your warm weather today (I think it was 26F when I got up on Monday, and 57F when I awoke today!), I might just do some garden planning. Maybe even some dead flower pulling around the patio!
Rachel, I sure hope so. Actually, the weather here wasn't bad, just a few degrees cooler than normal. I would have thought that would be better growing conditions over our normal terribly hot summers. I guess the insects liked it though, as my problem was all the munching and/or consuming that went on. That affected the crops more than the weather.
Teresa, you always know where to find me ;-). I've really had blogger's block lately. Just too many other things going on, and getting adjusted to spending winter here.
Granny, Enjoyed reading your post and seeing all the seeds. I get so happy these days to find seed catalogs in the mail box.
ReplyDeleteI am looking through my seeds to see what I have to share...
ReplyDeleteI finally got through all of my seeds and now I know what I NEED! I sure hope to keep it to NEED and not WANT this year! That's a tough one though!
ReplyDeleteI think that I will have to give myself a gift of seeds from Wintersown....since I really NEED more tomato seeds :)
Debbie, you were so good to share last year! I really liked those Heatwave tomatoes, the fruits were early, tasted great and the plant was compact and well behaved. I'll be planting your morning glories and the Johnny Jump-ups this spring, so I'll have your friendship seeds in my garden again soon!
Robin, I'm not planning on buying a lot of seeds this year (thanks to you!), but I probably will buy snap peas and more carrots. Seed potatoes and sweet onion plants are also on my list. I've misplaced my lettuce seeds (they are somewhere in the garage, still unpacked from AZ). I do hope I find them soon, as there are a couple of varieties I simply must have.
I would be very happy to send you some of our unseasonably dry weather in exchange for some rain. Please? I can also promise some homesaved Red Russian kale seeds. . .
ReplyDeleteVery impressive group of seeds. I see you got 'Victor. tomato seeds from Wintersown. Now what do I do with all of those I saved for you? LOL!
ReplyDeleteI have some 'Salmon Sunset' 4 o'clocks, "Grandpa Ott' morning glory seeds put aside for you if you're still interested...
Finally read my comments from my last post and then your post from September... you finally made me blush LOL!
Stefaneener, we don't get rain here in Eastern WA! Our average percipitation is only about 7" per year, most of that in December (none this month though) so we have to depend on irrigation water for our gardens. We have very hot summers, and dry winters, unlike the other side of the state.
ReplyDeleteOh, Ed...did you finally realize I'm in love with you? LOL!!!! Only in a grandmotherly way though, I promise :-)
ReplyDeleteI didn't know you were saving "Victor" for me. Go ahead and send them, as I'd rather have "friendship" seeds than SASE seeds. I'm looking forward to Grandpa Ott. I only got to see about a dozen blossoms from my Heavenly Blue last fall. And I definitely want those 4 O'Clocks! Not a single one of my salmon colored ones volunteerd, they were all either pink, yellow or white.
Misplaced your lettuce seeds? No problem- I'll add all of my favorites to your list... I've only got about a dozen :)
ReplyDeleteNow, see....that's just one more reason Granny loves you, Ed :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link Granny, now all I gotta do is figure out what a #10 envelope is.
ReplyDeleteJody, it's just one of those generic long business envelopes that you can find at Walmart, the grocery or dollar store.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year,Granny...good luck & all the best to u..:)
ReplyDeleteMy wishes for you in year 2012
Great start for Jan,
Love for Feb,
Peace for march,
No worries for April
Fun for May,
Joy for June to Nov,
Happiness for Dec,
Have a lucky and wonderful 2012! :)
Thank you, HangKebon! I wish the same for you!
ReplyDeletewhat a cute card! spring can't get here soon enough!
ReplyDelete(thank you for the sweet comments you left me, granny. xoxox)
Oh, Kelli, you are part of my "family". When you are hurting, I feel the pain. xoxoxo back atcha!
ReplyDeleteMy seeds of hope failed to germinate!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry, TIG....would a big hug help?
ReplyDelete{{{{{{The Idiot Gardener}}}}}}}}
I have about 3/4 of the garden planning done for next year and plan to settle down for a nice long holiday weekend of finishing it up and then pulling together my seed and supply orders for the year. I am doing a big order for the Giving Garden too so I get to do more shopping than I customarily do.
ReplyDeleteLove the Weiner Wonderland Christmas card - it really DOES look like Annie and Otto!
I love seed catalogues more than any other shop catalogue!
ReplyDeleteIt's been freezing cold in Sydney this summer all of December - I don't think i have turned the air conditioner on once yet this year (or fan as i prefer fans). So I think the weather patterns have followed us here downunder.
Annie I finally, a year ago started a blog. Have at least 100 photos to share that i haven't yet put up. Got a big basket full of cherry tomatoes by Christmas so I was please.. Have decided to stick to the small tomatoes as they will ripen before our Sydney bugs get to them and I refuse to spray.
We have two bee hives now and 60 kilos of honey has been produced already. (Mr Sydney Gardeners does this part. Any beekeepers following this blog network?
Sydney Gardener
Kitsap, I think I'll just plant haphazardly this spring! That is, except for the boxed beds, which will be planned. The east garden will be tilled and planted in wide rows. I am going to tear out the whiskey barrel containers and attach wire fencing to the back fence for pole beans.
ReplyDeleteSidney Gardener, I'm looking forward to your updating the blog! Tomatoes at Christmas sounds great, but I did have tomatoes almost until Thanksgiving. I'd have had them longer, but I didn't have room to take very many green tomatoes south with us. Next winter I hope to keep them ripening until Christmas, as we won't be leaving home for the winter.
ReplyDeleteStefaneener at
is our "resident beekeeper".
That catalog reminds me I have to get my orders in soon. Usually I do it in December, but I was traveling half of December and was sick all this last week and had no motivation to do anything.