May the new year bring you joy, happiness, warmth and laughter.
December 30, 2009: Monday Harvest on Wednesday
I have pulled a few more radishes (not photographed), which are suddenly showing some size. The flavor is very good, sweet and mild. A couple of them have been attacked by root maggots, but most are pristine.
The carrots and kale in my mini-garden are finally showing some true leaves, the beets (old seed) are germinating poorly. The spinach is OK in the container, but not doing much in the raised bed. Mr. H says he wants to head home mid-February. If so, I'll probably be leaving everything but some lettuce, green onions and radishes to the neighbors.
The carrots and kale in my mini-garden are finally showing some true leaves, the beets (old seed) are germinating poorly. The spinach is OK in the container, but not doing much in the raised bed. Mr. H says he wants to head home mid-February. If so, I'll probably be leaving everything but some lettuce, green onions and radishes to the neighbors.
December 30, 2009: Computer Woes
I've reformatted and reinstalled on all of my many computers through the years, and on this particular laptop twice in the past, with no problems. This reinstall was going just fine until I discovered the backup had not done the entire C: drive, as it was supposed to do. Remembering I had a previous backup on DVD, I started to access those files and it began installing everything rather than giving me the option to chose what I wanted to install. For some reason, I had a senior moment and , instead of letting it do its thing, I hit the eject button, pulled out the disc, and shut down the computer. That messed up the boot sector and I couldn't reboot from the recovery disc! For the first time ever (I've had computers for about 20 years), I had to take the computer in to a professional. He ended up having to reinstall the operating system, so as of Monday I've been back to square one, reinstalling all my programs and waiting for Microsoft to do all of its updates. On top of all that, these updates have caused me to exceed my allowable bandwidth use, and my ISP (the same guy who repaired my laptop and reinstalled my OS) cut me off! So here I am at the library, finishing my updates and checking in with all of you to let you know why I'm MIA!
One of the things the backup missed was my genealogy information, from 20 years of work. Luckily, it's on my desktop computer back home, so no worry. The other thing missing was my email address book. I requested some of you resend your email addresses, so I had reconstructed it somewhat, but now that's all lost Dan, I need your home mailing address once more! I've found most of the missing email addresses elsewhere in my records, others I can get from your blogs, but I'm missing all correspondence received recently. That will teach me to change my settings and keep messages on the server!
Anyway, the laptop is working great again, Microsoft has almost finished updates, and hopefully my provider will let me back on soon.
Gosh, I sure miss my cable internet!
Anyway, the laptop is working great again, Microsoft has almost finished updates, and hopefully my provider will let me back on soon.
Gosh, I sure miss my cable internet!
December 24, 2009: Merry Christmas!
May you all have a wonderful Christmas!
Mr. H bought me an early present, an external hard drive, so I'm going to back up everything and pull the plug on this's time to reformat and reinstall everything, as the old workhorse is running slower and slower, and I'm beginning to think there are more than a few drivers that are corrupt. It's not a job I'm looking forward to. Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well!
December 21, 2009: Woo-hoo! A Monday Harvest!
I really feel terrible that many of my gardening friends are suffering with freezing temperatures and snow drifts. Maybe I shouldn't show them what I picked heck, I'm going to show them *wicked grin*.
I picked a dinner plate full of Red Romaine, a green onion, a radish and two vine ripened tomatoes, along with a few pansies.
And made Mr H. a delicious, fresh salad for his dinner.
If you did manage to harvest something this week, join in the fun at Daphne's Dandelions, and show us what you have!
December 18, 2009: No More "Blahs"!
I must say, Di over at Voice in the Garden , knows how to lift the old blahs from my shoulders! Last Sunday she offered the gift of a print of one of her lovely paintings to a lucky reader, and I got lucky!
My step-father was a railroad man. I hesitate to call him "stepfather", as he was my "Dad" from the time he married my mother, when I was six years old (my birth father is still living and will celebrate his 92nd birthday this month). Dad and both of his brothers followed their father as second generation railroaders, and a couple of my cousins have made it three generations.
Dad worked for years for Camas Prairie Railroad, which was a short line railroad in northern Idaho jointly owned and operated by Northern Pacific Railway and Union Pacific Railroad. The Camas Prairie Railroad was known as the "railroad on stilts" due to the many wooden trestles. In one five mile stretch, there were more than a dozen trestles. For many years, Dad was a bridge foreman in charge of keeping those trestles in good repair.
Lawyer's Canyon Bridge (above photo *note, this is not Di's painting! Use above link to view the prize) was one such structure on which Dad worked. At the time, it was said to be the second highest railroad bridge in the US at 296 feet high and 1,500 feet long. I actually watched my Dad walk out on a plank that was wedged somehow under the rails near the center of this bridge and jump up and down, just like one would jump on a diving board. This was the same man who fell off the roof of his house while replacing a shingle! His dog, who was raised on the railroad and spent his days by Dad's side as he worked, would not cross a trestle. Instead, he would go down into the canyon and swim the river, then up the other side to cross. My dog, however, would happily trot across the bridge without a second thought, even though he wasn't a "railroad dog". Evidently the height was less formidable to him than the prospect of getting wet.
Dad went on to become a supervisor, and eventually retired from Camas Prairie Railroad.
Thank you, Di, for picking me to receive this lovely print. Your gift will become our family's treasure.
My step-father was a railroad man. I hesitate to call him "stepfather", as he was my "Dad" from the time he married my mother, when I was six years old (my birth father is still living and will celebrate his 92nd birthday this month). Dad and both of his brothers followed their father as second generation railroaders, and a couple of my cousins have made it three generations.
Dad worked for years for Camas Prairie Railroad, which was a short line railroad in northern Idaho jointly owned and operated by Northern Pacific Railway and Union Pacific Railroad. The Camas Prairie Railroad was known as the "railroad on stilts" due to the many wooden trestles. In one five mile stretch, there were more than a dozen trestles. For many years, Dad was a bridge foreman in charge of keeping those trestles in good repair.
Dad went on to become a supervisor, and eventually retired from Camas Prairie Railroad.
Thank you, Di, for picking me to receive this lovely print. Your gift will become our family's treasure.
December 17, 2009: I'm Feeling Rather Blah
OK, I said it all in the previous post, and now I'm just sitting here wondering what on earth I'll write about next! I'm in that gray area between successful harvests and spring planning. I didn't want to plan my 2010 garden yet, as I know I'll change my mind time and time again. That's just the way I am. I'll make and change my plans multiple times, then when it actually comes time to begin planting I'll just do everything haphazardly, on a whim. Let's just say (pretend) I'm the artistic type, and the garden is my canvas.
The kale, seed sent to my by Stefaneener, is peeking through. I'm hoping I can grow two of these in the pot, the rest will have to be transplanted elsewhere.
The lettuce is getting true leaves, and is ready to thin out and transplant. I saw one radish that was nearly ready to pull. Most of the radishes have skinny roots rather than fat, edible ones. I'll probably plant a few more in another 2-3 weeks, as the weather gets a bit warmer at night.
Onions are the one thing that are easily grown. The potted ones can be pulled and eaten any time now, and the sets in the container in the back are growing quickly.
I've thinned the little spinach plants to stand 4"-6" apart, so I'm expecting them to put out some good growth soon. Germination in the plastic container was excellent, but there was only room for 8 plants. So far germination of the spinach and beets in the main garden box is spotty. I'm afraid that garden just gets too much shade from the palo verde tree. The carrots have all sprouted, but have shown absolutely no growth in the past month, not even any true leaves.
Ahhhh, but look at this! I'm really close to getting a couple of ripe tomatoes! I think (hope) I've stopped the leaf miner damage. I am using a piece of aluminum foil as "mulch". I'm thinking that should stop the migration from soil to leaf/leaf to soil. It seems to be the answer to ripening the fruits, too. I remembered reading about using shiny foil, as it confuses the insects by reflecting the sky so they don't know which is up or down....I guess it can't hurt to try.
My friend, Esther, bought two tomato plants the same time I did. I drove by her house today to see how hers were growing, and the poor things are dead. I'll have to call her to find out if it was leaf miners, freezing or neglect that killed them. Esther doesn't have a Mr. H to carry her plants out to the sun each morning and into the warm house in the evenings.
The little Arizona garden still lives, but grows oh so slowly.
My friend, Esther, bought two tomato plants the same time I did. I drove by her house today to see how hers were growing, and the poor things are dead. I'll have to call her to find out if it was leaf miners, freezing or neglect that killed them. Esther doesn't have a Mr. H to carry her plants out to the sun each morning and into the warm house in the evenings.
December 12, 2009: The Twelve Months of Gardening
*Please click on photos to enlarge*
In the first month of '09, my garden gave to me...
In the second month of '09, my garden gave to me...
In February 2009, my first harvests from the Arizona gardens included one tiny cucumber, along with mixed lettuce and green onions.
In the third month of '09, my garden gave to me...
In the third month of '09, my garden gave to me...
In the fourth month of '09, my garden gave to me...
In the fifth month of '09, my garden gave to me...
In the sixth month of '09, my garden gave to me...
In the seventh month of '09, my garden gave to me...
In the eighth month of '09, my garden gave to me...
In the ninth month of '09, my garden gave to me...
In the tenth month of '09, my garden gave to me...
In the eleventh month of '09, my garden gave to me...
In the twelfth month of '09, my garden gave to me...
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