John insisted on Hardie Board siding, which cost $$$, weighs a ton and will outlive us. It took three grown men to hoist up a single panel of this stuff. There is a window to the left of the half-covered doorway, but it has to be cut out with a diamond bladed saw (as does the doorway). These are 4'x8' vertical panels, which will be accented with horizontal lap siding on the peaks. The tomatoes that are in those 5-gallon buckets will go along the west wall if they don't get too large to move by the time the building is finished and painted!

This little bee has too much thyme on his hands ;-)

The first beets of the season! Oh, my, they did taste good. They added 9 ounces to the harvest total. I trimmed off the leaves before weighing them, as they were inedible because of the leaf miner damage.

I love this rose. It's a lovely coral color, but looks pink in the photos. It's a floribunda, and will be absolutey covered with blossoms soon. I think I planted this about 18 years ago, and it has never failed to perform beautifully.
That hardie board is good stuff, you shed is going to be a fortress! Your beets look great, I can't wait to harvest some. I wish I planted sooner now. I like them wrapped in foil with butter, S&P and put on the grill until tender. Yum.
ReplyDeleteDan, I have a ton of beets planted, but it took some looking to find six that were large enough to pull. The next time I get enough to eat, they will be roasted with a drizzle of olive oil. I love my root veggies fixed like that...and asparagus, too.
ReplyDeleteok, granny......I've got my eye on you. 18 lbs.????? Are you sure you didn't drink John's well deserved beer - then weigh the radishes? Ha!
ReplyDeleteEG, if I had to count on radishes to up my total, I'd give up! But I've been bringing in quite a lot of greens and onions, so the total is adding up pretty fast...here is what I picked from this garden, then you have to add in the AZ harvest Jan, Feb & March.
ReplyDeleteApril: 8 ounces
6 ounces mixed greens
2 ounces radishes
May: 194 1/2 ounces
2 ounces garlic
1 oz. sweet onion
3 oz. radishes
3 oz. radishes
3 oz. onions and radishes
8 oz. spinach, 5 oz. lettuce and 2 oz. onions
2 oz. garlic
10 oz. spinach, 6 oz. lettuce and 2 oz. green onions 47
5 oz. green onions, 14 oz. spinach, 9 oz. lettuce
6 oz. yellow onions
4 ounces green onions
7 1/2 oz. lettuce 43 1/2
2 oz. sweet onions, 1 pound 10 oz. spinach
6 oz. shallots, dill & chives
10 oz. lettuce, 6 oz. yellow onions and 3 oz. basil & carrots 53
12 oz. lettuce, 2 oz. sweet green onions & 3 oz. strawberries
10 oz. mixed greens & onions
14 ounces spinach and 10 ounces sweet green onions 51
June: 25 ounces
10 ounces lettuce, 1 ounce sugar snap peas, 3 ounces yellow onions
2 ounces strawberries & 9 ounces beets
Total WA garden:
14 pounds 4 ounces
I try to keep a daily total in my journal, so 18 pounds should be pretty close.
That rose is gorgeous! I've never had luck with them-too fussy or ??
ReplyDeleteI'm trying a Knockout rose this year...you wanna post your bet on how long it takes THIS ONE to die?
I really needed to plant more radishes to bring my total up. It is just half of yours. Right now I'm neck and neck with Dan. But you cheated and lived in warm spot this winter. No really even with just the WA harvest you are so out harvesting me. All your warm weather crops will come in before mine too. I need to move to zone 9 ;>
ReplyDeleteI would say your beets look good, but since I hate beets, it just ain't gonna happen. It is too bad about the greens though. I've never had them but I suspect I'd like beet greens since I love chard.
Is Hardle Board the concrete like siding?
Wow, granny....that's very detailed. I'd be sick of greens by now!
ReplyDeleteYou just reminded me I've got to do a better job of actually putting in my numbers for the veggie harvest.
ReplyDeleteThe closer you get to being finished, the more the shed looks like a coach house. You all are doing a fantastic job.
Hi Granny! The shed is coming together nicely!
ReplyDeleteThose beets look yummy! Too bad you can't eat those greens... I love the greens even more than the beets... LOL!
And your rose bush is just spectacular!
Sue, just plant it over a spot where you had last year's compost pile! No kidding, I have an old "Arlene Francis" that never grew over 2' high, a spindly little thing that would give me such fragrant blossoms I just couldn't toss her out. So I moved her out by the fence, and she still languished. Last year I put the compost bin next to her, and this year she has beautiful strong stems and leaves, and a blossom that's twice the size of any she ever had before. Compost must be the answer!
ReplyDeleteDaphne, I actually had a couple of ounces more here. I was figuring it in my head and totaling as I went, but after I published the comment I saw I had shorted myself a bit. Of course, there is always something that doesn't get weighed or written down, too.
ReplyDeleteYes, Hardie board is a cement board with a 50 year warranty. I'm 70 years old, I don't NEED a 50 year warranty. I figure a twenty year warranty would be pushing it. ;-)
When I was gardening in central Washington I had a rose very similar to yours that was dependable and gorgeous. It was also coral colored and trained up a trellis arch with a purple clematis that grew intertwined with it. The clematis had pie sized deep purple blooms that were such a stunning complement to the coral rose blooms. I miss that rose but know I had to leave it behind when we moved five years ago.
ReplyDeleteEG, I think I am. I put my salad in the fridge last night and then forgot to eat it. I didn't miss it a bit. But you have to remember, the house rabbit eats a lot of greens, and the garden saves us about $5 a week when we don't have to buy his food. He eats an enormous amount for a two pound bunny!
ReplyDeleteCheryl, I'm thinking of putting a lean-to bathroom on the back and renting it out. Ha-ha, not really, but it's about the size of a bachelor apartment....bigger than we thought it would be. It will be a shame to fill it with gardening equipment and lawnmowers....I'm thinking a nice TV room with exercise equipment? Maybe moving it a few feet south and attaching it to the house?
ReplyDeleteToni, nicer than I'd planned. It's built better than my house!
ReplyDeleteI'm not a "rose person". I just dig a hole and plop them in, and they'd better take care of themselves. Luckily I have three that do just that, and a fourth that is showing much improvement this year. It did help that I returned from AZ a month early this spring, so I got all the roses properly pruned in time. Most years we get back to late, and growth has already started.
KitsapFG, I had a lavender clematis behind this rose, and it was lovely. It was a small variety, with daintier leaves and stems than any other I'd seen. It's the one my dogs laid on and crushed, and I thought it was dead, but I took the root and put it in the big blue planter in the garden. It's doing well there, and growing....but no blossoms yet. Now I see another shoot coming up by the rose bush, so I have protected it from the dogs and hope it grows!
ReplyDeleteI am getting serious garden shed envy. Our HOA technically says no sheds, but we may try to get something really small - one of the kind you can hardly walk into - if we can figure out where to put it. If the HOA complains I will point them towards my neighbor's house which has many more HOA violations that a tiny shed.
ReplyDeleteAlyssa, I thank the heavens every day that we don't have a HOA where we live! We once considered living on a golf course, and there would have been no sheds or veggie gardens. Then we considered a condo, and there would have been no happy (barking) doxies to make us smile. I'm satisfied with my little semi-rural house, even if it isn't as nice as my garden shed ;-D
ReplyDeleteI thought I was the queen of bad puns, but you have me on the run.
ReplyDeleteYou never know, with the economy going the way it is, someone might need to live in the shed! Good thing it's well-made.
Stefaneener, bite your tongue (or your typing fingers)! One reason we sold our big house was so the kids couldn't move back in with us!
ReplyDeleteHmmmm....maybe THAT'S why John is building it so strong! He would be rather handy to have around ;-)
The shed looks great, Granny!! I agree with EG, those are impressive totals.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ribbit. My garden is really getting overgrown. I hope something is ready real soon!
ReplyDeleteYou are so punny!
ReplyDeleteThat shed looks sturdier then some houses I've seen being built these days. It's lookin' good! Your beets look amazing too. Mine hate me, I think they've formed a club with the spinach. Neither will grow. I'm about to give up on them. Pah.
Jenn, I had to really pick through more than a hundred beets to find six large enough to pull. Be patient ;-)
ReplyDeleteI am so wanting that shed finished. My patio is a mess of mowers and garden stuff!