*Each week Daphne's Dandelions hosts Monday Harvest. Be sure to visit her blog to see who is harvesting what this week!*
YES! I do have a harvest! I picked the first lettuce leaves from the three pots I brought south with me. Well, hey....it's something!

I was looking at the beautiful photos that Thomas (A Growing Tradition) and Dan (Urban Veggie Garden Blog) put on their blogs, and I'm ashamed that I rinsed off these leaves, tossed them on a paper towel and took their picture. I have all the time in the world down here, so there is no excuse not to at least put them in a pretty bowl for their portrait. Oh...I don't have a pretty bowl in this kitchen. All I have are bright orange plastic ones! Well, darn. I'm going to town today, so I'll just hit the dollar stores and find myself a few inexpensive pretties, just for photographing my Arizona harvests. It won't take many, LOL!
I'm the same way but I don't even rinse them off. I showed my carrots dirt and all. Sometimes I just toss them on the counter and take a photo with a direct flash because there is no light and I'm too lazy to set up the nice indirect flash. They get no respect at all - well except a day to themselves every week. They will have to be happy with that.
ReplyDeleteYour harvest still looks great, even with a pretty bowl!
ReplyDeleteHey Granny go for it, it may not be SFG but it counts. My garden is still suffering from lack of sun days but when its ready you can bet I will posting about it. John
ReplyDeleteDaphne, the dollar store didn't even have bowls or plates other than Christmas themes. So there probably won't be any pretty pictures from me for a while.
Thank you, Michelle. I forgot I do have a plain green plate I could have used.
Hey John....I'm goin' for it! Except I went to town today and all I could find was bagged manure, they were all out of the compost. My second garden box and the pots will have to wait until next week.
for the pictures, light is always the problem. Never just the right light; it's either full sun or a flash. Oh well. . . it still tastes good, right?
ReplyDeleteStefaneener, that's why most of the photos of my produce were taken on the patio table. The patio has a fiberglass roof that lets the light through, but not bright. It's really good for daylight photos. My kitchen counters were the worst places for good pictures. Inside the refrigerator was perfect!
ReplyDeleteI'm the same, keep meaning to find a nice container and failing! But it's the produce that counts, not the container!
ReplyDeleteIt sure is, Jan. I did find a green plate, a white platter and a clear bowl in my cupboard. That will just have to do!
ReplyDeleteYour immigrant lettuce looks great :) I wonder how much you will harvest this winter? Better not be more then my summer garden total, hehe. Thanks for the link.
ReplyDeleteMost of my harvest pictures are taken in the colanders I use to collect harvested items from the garden in. The beauty of using colanders to hold the harvest is that I take them to the compost heap first and trim off the tops and extra leaves etc from items like carrots and then take them to the water spigot and give it all a good rinse. Then I set it on the bench or the deck railing and take the picture. Lighting is a challenge during the fall and winter because I am often harvesting at night in the dark after work. If it is too bad, I just take the picture in the house on the counter.
ReplyDeleteThe trimming and rinse is not just for the pictures (although it makes them nicer too!) but I bring produce into the house that has already had alot of the trimmings composted and the majority of dirt left behind in the garden rather than my sink or counter.
Dan, I didn't bring the kitchen scale with me, so I'm finished with weighing produce for the season. I could probably estimate by looking at last year's produce weight.
KitsapFG, at home #1 I use plastic baskets for gathering produce, so I can hose it off before bringing it to the patio or kitchen for photographing. I usually photograph before trimming, but only weigh after trimming. Down here there is so little to harvest at once I usually just grab a handful and bring it right to the sink. I do have a patio table on a covered porch, so I should be taking the pictures out there in natural but subdued light.
Such pretty little greens! (Even tossed on a paper towel) And THANK YOU! so much for my bean seeds in the mail last week. I got them while stuck in bed with the flu. It was such a nice surprise and really cheered me up.
ReplyDeleteOh, Jenn...I hope you are feeling better. It seems as though everyone is getting the flu. I feel like locking myself inside and not going shopping, out to dinner or visiting anyone this winter! I had it bad enough this fall, I'd hate to get another strain of it for winter. Glad the bean seeds cheered you up a bit.
ReplyDeleteYour greens still look tempting, even on a soggy paper towel. :)
ReplyDeleteI love that you transport plants with you for the winter! That falls on the list of "You Know you're a gardener when... you take plants with you on vacation." LOL. I know you're not exactly on vacation, but I still love that along with your stuff you packed some potted lettuce - LOL.
ReplyDeleteKelly, thanks! But I promise I'll not do it again :-)
Kate, it comes in real handy when I'm feeding the pet rabbit. I shouldn't have to drive all the way into town just for fresh greens from now on. I'm extending my garden today...it will give me something to blog about as soon as it's finished.