The first trip for fencing supplies was all the way into Lake Havasu City, a 150 mile round trip drive to shop at Lowes. Our second trip for stuff we forgot, as well as for lumber to secure the porch, was to Parker (only 50 miles round trip), where I ended up getting the wrong color of green paint for my soon-to-be green gates, and couldn't find the right kind of latch for securing a metal gate to a wood post. Yesterday we made what I thought was to be a final trip for supplies, driving to Blythe, California (100 miles round trip). There we did find the gate hardware, called butterfly latches, but they were sure expensive for such a small piece of $12 each! We also bought some concrete stepping stones for a path from porch to front gate. It was only after I returned home that I realized I had forgotten the green paint. So that will have to wait until the next trip into "whatever" town.
Odds and ends to finish up are to make decorative caps for the wood fence posts (we found them at Blythe, but it was $14.95 for a package of two and I need four). I'm afraid mine will be very simple....whatever I can craft from leftover 4x4s and a miter saw. I was also planning to mount some solar lights atop each post, but again those were just too expensive in Blythe, so that will have to wait. We still have to clip the fencing to the T-posts and once they are all plumb and at the correct height they will be concreted in. I must lay the walkway, paint the gates and finish the painting of the porch addition, and then maybe I can take a day off. Or two or three.

Otter Dawg woke me up at four this morning, wanting out. Even though the area is now secure, I won't let the puppies out between 10 p.m. and dawn so I put him back to bed. Good thing, as not more than five minutes passed when a pack of coyotes came right through our property. A four foot wire fence is no match for a hungry coyote, and a little boy doxie is a pretty tasty morsel.
Mr. H decided the pups needed a pet door, so they could go in and out by themselves during the day. Of course, I wouldn't hear of putting one into the side of the mobile home, where snakes, lizards and who knows what all could gain entry. So I finally agreed to let him cut a hole in the bottom of the screen door. That way I can close the front door at night and keep the critters out and the pups in. Unfortunately, the hole is a bit high off the porch level, and maybe just a bit narrow. Annie gets her front half through it just fine, but her hips get stuck and her hind legs are a bit off the ground, so she has to wiggle and "swim" her way through the hole. Otto just ignores it and whines to be let in or out. Adjustments must be made.
Yesterday was watering day, and I really filled up the well around the palm tree. Annie and Otter had a real good time, they seemed to think it was their new swimmin' hole! Both of them would put their noses under water and blow bubbles while trying to pick up rocks from the bottom. I just ignored the mud they tracked onto the porch, as both were having so much fun and were very funny to watch.
Cookie has been enjoying some time outside on the porch, also. He's getting to be a very old man at seven years. The life expectancy of a Netherland dwarf is around 5-7 years, but this little guy has never had a sick day in his life, and he's still spry and seems quite healthy. We've been his people for 6-1/2 of his seven years.

Warning: Mr. H says this is the most annoying video ever taken. Yes, that is me in the background "conversing" with Annie, while Otter Dawg seems more interested in the talking frog in the corner. I was trying to get Annie to "speak" in her cute woo-woo voice, but seeing the camera in my hand the best she would do was plain old happy barking.
The Most Annoying Video Ever
I'm almost embarassed to show you my "garden". Compared to the lovely beds up north, these containers look pretty piddly. The visible greens (on the plant ladder) are the ones that came south with us, in the back of the Ranger. The large planter has three cucumber plants just barely peeking through. These were planted the first week we got here, and I'm quite sure they will never mature before we get a spell of freezing weather. I wish I had planted snow peas instead. The other containers were just planted this week and have beets, spinach, buttercrunch lettuce and green onions (from the grocery store). I did have a container of carrots, but they met their demise when I tried to transfer them to a larger planter, and dropped them on the pavement. I tried sticking a few of them into the front planter, but so far only one looks as though it might live.
You and Annie got Nugget going with you. He did his best to get in my monitor to bark more at you guys, lol.
ReplyDeleteLooks better and better everytime I see new pictures of the place!
I don't think your video is annoying Granny....and your little container garden is just fine. I know it must be hard having to drive a long way to get parts for the fence (which is looking great, by the way).
LOL, Teresa...Otter does the same thing, but Annie just tilts here head to the side and listens. She must recognize her own bark.
ReplyDeleteThank you, EG....I hope my "garden" grows!
ReplyDeleteYour garden is just wonderful. I love the ladder!
ReplyDeleteWe had a dog door just like yours in our old screen door. It was half screen and half not so we put the dog door in the bottom half....however, we have a great dane and was a rather large doggie door. I actually had to use it once when the screen door locked me out!
Thank you, Ribbit. I bought the ladder at a yard sale last Friday for $3! I like it so well I might take it home next spring and "plant" it out in my garden for squash to climb on. Or maybe cut down a couple of big old ladders I have in the garage...or maybe all of the above!
ReplyDeleteWe definitely have to make some improvements in the doggie door. I think the metal kick plate will have to be replaced with some bead board for a smoother (less sharp) edge.
The fence turned out well, simple and clean looking. I have been contemplating a very similar fence along the back driveway that currently is really old and ugly snow fence.
ReplyDeleteI really like your palm and green trim color.
I was thinking that you would be growing tomatoes there but I guess not if you receive freezing weather. Is it just cold at night?
Dan, our temps here are quite warm (80F-50F right now), but we get a real cold spell mid-January most years. It can get down to around 16F for a couple of weeks. I had a tomato plant with fruit on it, but didn't end up with room to bring it along. This month is the time for cole crops, peas, carrots, etc. No SFG this year, the fence took priority, but maybe next year!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the has been hard work but fun fixing up this old trailer.
The fence looks great and I love your garden spot. Everything you do shows your artistic talent-- the pattern of the walkway, the ladder, elevated pots and the watering can! You are a classy Granny!
ReplyDeleteAwww, bettyinga, you'll give me a swelled head!
ReplyDeleteI just had to comment on what a cutie Cookie is. We have two bunnies ourselves- they are both Rexes. They make such nice pets don't they. People never believe me when I tell them that they are full of personality just like cats and dogs!
ReplyDeleteI've been slacking on commenting these days....been too busy I am afraid but I just wanted to let you know that I am still happily reading your blog which always brings a smile to my face. :)
Cynthia, people are also very surprised to hear our bunnies can be litter box trained.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to see you have been missed!