I bought a set of three frying pans the other day and, as I always do with new pans, I used hot water and soap to clean the insides, rinsed, dried and put them away.
I was frying chicken in the largest pan tonight, when I noticed some odd flaking stuff around the burner. I reached under the pan with the fork to pull a piece of whatever it was out.

In other news today, my spinach seedlings have gone the way of the lettuce seedlings. Here yesterday, gone this morning. Oh well, I still have radishes. So far.
Reminds me of the dutch oven pan I have that's got a little bit of the street from our first house attached to it's bottom. We had a slight french fry making incident probably 15 years ago and took the overheated pan and set it in the street until the flames stopped appearing whenever the lid was removed. The blacktop melted a little (and that doesn't wash off so well).
ReplyDeleteWe don't make french fries on the stove anymore. :-)
LOL, Amy...it was probably scary at the time, but it gave you something to laugh about years later!
ReplyDeleteFirstly, I gave you an award on my blog :) Thank you for your wonderful stories of success, failures, and weirdness!
ReplyDeleteSecondly: That is too funny! I've done that with a tea kettle. lol
Awww, Kalena Michele, thank you. You're so sweet :-)
ReplyDeleteYou burned the label on your tea kettle? HA! I'm not the only one!
I put the milk in the closet and the peanut butter in the fridge.
ReplyDeleteWow...It feels better to say that. Thanks, Granny!
When I seen the subject line, my first thought was what did Mr. H do now. ;o)
Ack! I've burnt things to my pan, but never the labels. I always doing my burning the correct way by leaving the pot neglected on the stove for too long.
ReplyDeleteOh the poor spinach seedlings. I think you will have to start all your seeds indoors if you want anything, unless the problem is your husband wanting microgreens.
Well I have not woke up yet today so I feel pretty bump so far. If we go back two days I was painting the side door, I put the paint can on the railing which is 8 feet off the ground and dumped the can on the lane way below. Fast forward a few hours past that, I was making pizza dough and drop the olive oil sending oil all over the cupboards and floor. Yep that was a pretty dump day! So you are not alone :-)
ReplyDeletePlease rephrase that and ask me to pick a day where I haven't done something dumb - LOL.
ReplyDeleteEver cooked pizza with the cardboard circle still stuck to the bottom? yeah - quite a mess. :)
Ribbit, you're welcome dear. It gets worse as you age ;-)
John, it is usually Mr. H who screws up, isn't it? Ha-ha
Daphne, it definitely isn't Mr. H. I don't know if I'll try planting anything else this season. If the radishes continue to grow and yield, I figure they'll have cost me about thirty bucks. :-(
Dan, I think you take the prize for dumb things done this week! Well, not really dumb, just horrible mishaps.
Kate, pizza cooked with the cardboard circle? Uh...which time? It wasn't as messy as the pizza directly on the oven rack, when it began sagging and dripped right through onto the floor of the oven!
Oh, I almost started a fire in the toaster this morning. Didn't realize a little piece of bread was stuck in there until the black smoke set off the alarm.
OOOHHHH my GOSH, Gran! That's hilarious. I blame the company! I mean, really, is that the best place to put a label? What happened to the days when all you needed was a price tag attached to the handle?
ReplyDeleteOn a side note, that chicken looks scrumptious.
Sorry about your spinach. :(
Well, ya Thomas! I always peel the big label out of the inside of the new pans, but I never even thought to look on the bottom! Even If I had, I doubt the glue would have come completely off, as I couldn't even scrape it off with a knife once it burned on!
ReplyDeleteThe chicken was good.
I found some snipped off radish leaves this morning. I guess I'll try to find enough netting to toss over the top of the garden, just in case it's birds. If it's lizards, I'm just outta luck.
The date you posted this was the day I had went to the store for a few groceries. I go to buy soy sauce, I get home and find out it was not soy sauce, it was teriyaki sauce. Big difference, but the bottles were a like. Just one was big and the other was small and they were the same color. It pays to read labels.
ReplyDeleteCaseysmom, I'm so happy to see you here! I haven't heard anything from you for so long..how have you been? I hope things are beginning to go a bit better for you.....hugs.
ReplyDeleteThank You Granny! I'm trying to get my life back together and move on. I have been attending classes, hopefully to get a pretty good job. I have posted some things on my blog.
ReplyDeleteMy husband seems to be doing ok, he is back on the road. Seems things are getting better.
Mom, did I tell you that the other day I cleaned my tea pot and forgot to put the "whistle cap" back on. I know this because the next day I put water on for tea, and much, much later I found the tea pot, bone dry, with the metal melted to the burner. Burned a hole in the bottom of the pot...oops! Guess I know where I get it from.
ReplyDeleteOh, Amy...my baby girl is a chip off the old block(head)! And you are going to buy a turkey fryer? I shudder to think.....
ReplyDeleteBTW, what happened to the stove burner?
Mom, I haven't done it yet, but I will have to replace the burner. It has parts of the metal bottom of the tea pot basically welded to it. Lol. Can you tell I'm the product of Mr. AND Mrs. H.?
ReplyDeleteAmy....yes, we can tell.
ReplyDeleteWell, there was the time as a kid that I discovered that if you blew on the jar of melted wax, it made a neato hollow, so I took a huge breath and blew hard. I picked wax out of my eyebrows for a while. Good thing I didn't blind myself.
ReplyDeleteAnd the time I took a covered pan that had cooked dry outside, then opened it to see what had been in it. The inrush of oxygen made it a flame pot. . . singed my eyebrows.
Miscalculated my knitting rather badly. Now I get to redo a lot.
Nothing horrible lately that I can remember. . . but it's only a matter of time.
Stefaneener, I washed my candles in the dishwasher once. Shouldn't have done it :-(
ReplyDeleteTry this on your pan. Put about a 1/4 c. of white vinegar & some water. Bring it to a boil, turn down to simmer & then use a rubber spatula to lift it off. I use this method often as I have 2 messy men cooks in my house!
ReplyDeleteI'm truly sorry that I haven't been visiting here lately. There is always so much neat stuff to read!
LOL Marge, the burned on stuff is on the bottom of the pan...on the outside! I've never seen a pan with the stick on label on the outside, they are always on the inside of the pan.
ReplyDeleteI've missed you!