I am rather late publicly thanking 1st. Man for The Versatile Blogger Award that he presented to me on February 1. Now I have received it once more from Mrs. Pickles Garden.
I had previously received this award from a dear blogging friend, David P. Offut, back in September of last year. For that reason, I'll not bore you with more facts about myself, which you can read here, in my original response.
That being said, I want you to know that no matter if I receive an award once or a hundred times, it's just as special to me each and every time. Some bloggers hate these awards. I have been publicly chastized for passing them on to some blogs that I especially enjoyed. I no longer follow those blogs, because I am shallow that way, LOL! I love getting the awards. I enjoy knowing there is someone out there who appreciates my blog enough to take the time to send me an award. So, thank you to Mrs. Pickles, and a belated thank you to 1st. Man. I love your blogs, too!
Conratulations! This is an award that you certainly desrve. I personally don't understand how those other bloggers could not appreciate the good thoughts behind giving the awards.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you, Ed. But some people are terribly upset when presented with them, so I'm gun shy now, and very hesitant to forward them on. Even now, one of my favorites has "Award Free Zone" (or some similar statement) on her sidebar. But I love her enough to forgive her, and at least she warns you they're not wanted. With others, you find out the hard way!
ReplyDeleteLooks to me like it proves you can be a great blogger AND a closet hoarder too! ;-)
ReplyDeleteDave, I guess that's versatility!
ReplyDeleteGranny; You are more than welcome! In fact, I noticed on your side bar you had the award and I thought, "you know know what? I still want her to have it". You were kind enough to focus on my blog once back in the summer and read it from the beginning, and that got me a lot of new followers, and I'm grateful for that.
ReplyDeleteAs for these awards, mine was my first one and I was so excited to receive it. I didn't realize some bloggers don't like them. I'm like you, I feel it's a great way to tell someone how much you appreciate their hard work. I think of it as a gift!
1st. Man, it was really easy to read your blog from the beginning, as it was so interesting and entertaining! I'm glad you also appreciate the awards. If I get any more, I know who to send them on to!
ReplyDeleteYou are very welcome! back in the summer you had awarded me this lovely award and I didn't even know 15 blogs/bloggers so I didn't follow through...but I figured now I actually knew a few people and would go a head and do it. I too am surprised with some of the negative feed back i have gotten. All it takes is a Thank-You and that is that. It doesn't mean you have to post about it or add it to your blog..or really do anything its just someone saying "hey i think you are pretty great" just say thanks and leave it at that. It kind of ruined my day and the whole experience. Okay off the soap box now...LOL
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU for being a lovely kind lady with a big heart though! Reading your blog always make my day :)
Mrs. P., my feelings were terribly hurt when it happened to me. I felt, like 1st. Man, I was giving them a gift, and my gift was rejected....therefore I was rejected. Sometimes we just have to grow a thick skin and keep on going. Don't stop sending those awards, just let them know it's out of appreciation and they don't have to do anything. But if they get nasty about it, just stop following them, LOL!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Granny and much deserved! I too am thrilled and honored to receive blog awards. But I have experienced some bloggers who do not like them. It's really too bad because I have found some lovely blogs because someone nominated them for a blogger award.
ReplyDeleteRachel, we should make a list of willing recipients and just pass the awards back and forth!