After seeing
The Idiot Gardener's picture of his 2-1/2 French beans, I'm almost embarrassed to show the first picking from my Gourmet Green French bush beans. I don't have a story that compares with his (who does?), but I can probably out-bean his beans any day.

A large bowl, heaping full of baby beans (they filled a gallon sized Zip Loc bag), the first picking from 6 square feet of garden space. These were from a partial packet of ED Hume seeds I got at the grocery store for 1/2 price, 99-cents. I'm sure glad I bought two packets, as these will be on the repeat list for next year. The plants are still loaded with smaller beans and blossoms.
We'll be eating some of the baby beans tonight, along with macaroni and beef made with sauce from all of my ripe tomatoes (garden), red onion (garden), basil (garden), garlic (store), and lean ground beef (store). Mr. Granny will have some chilled cucumber slices (garden) with ranch dressing (store), and I have a loaf of French bread baking right now.
You didn't finish the song...the more you eat, the more you toot. The more you toot, the better you feel. So, eat your beans at every meal :)
ReplyDelete"The Italian" is making a red sauce tonight too....but no bread baking :(
I would be proud to have your bean harvest my roma II didn't do a thing but my yard long beans are doing really good so far.
ReplyDeleteMy husband came back from a business trip one day and had stitches in his cheek. He told me it happened in the middle of the night and the plastic surgeon wouldn't come in to fix it then (he still has a scar). I was laughing at him and asking if he stiffed the call girl and she fought back. He told me he tripped while answering the phone when it rang in the middle of the night. I told him he could make up a better story than that to tell people. I'm sure you could make up a better story too. Maybe not quite like the Idiot Gardener's but I have faith in you.
ReplyDeleteRobin, my bread was machine baked. It fell. I worried about the amount of yeast it called for, and I was right, it needed to be cut back. I sliced off a bit of the top though, and it was delicious, sunken middle and all! I guess I can't consider it a flop if it tastes so good.
Jeana, I have some bush beans that just won't give me hardly any, so these baby french beans are really welcome.
Daphne, I sometimes tell about the time my husband hooked a big Kamloops trout, and just as he started to bring it into the boat it snapped the line. The fish paused, I jumped over the side of the boat and grabbed the broken line, twisting it around my hand to get a good grip, and Mr. Granny got the net and landed the fish. People act as though they don't believe it, but it's true! I did the same thing with a big crappie that I caught from the bank. Just jumped in and grabbed the line and hauled him in.
ReplyDeleteThat's a lot of harvest in my opinion, Gran! I only have ONE miserable chilli but that was good enough to give me a sense of achievement! Ha ha...wish you a lovely day ahead.
ReplyDeleteGranny, I have FULL confidence in you that you can come up with a story as good as TIG's, even if you have to make it up. You know we'd believe you no matter what you said! Your beans look so wonderful and green.
ReplyDeleteOnce again Granny you make me so jealous! Our plants are barely producing any beans to speak of!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful baby beans!! I am hoping to pick my first batch of pole beans this weekend. I don't think they will fill a gallon sized zip bag though.
ReplyDeleteOh, beans. I love your serene picture of them. When I saw the first ones, all I could think was "Oh nooooo, I'm not ready!" I think your approach is better.
ReplyDeleteJ.C. any harvest, no matter how small, is an accomplishment. Be proud of your one chili!
Thyme2, look up above at my comment to Daphne ;-) Someday I'll tell you about my third great grandfather, John "Hoppin" Clark. Or you can Google him ;-)
Meemsnyc, some of my bush beans are not producing well yet, but showing a few blossoms. I'm very impressed with these, and they really tasted good, too.
Rachel, my pole beans are putting out their second flush of blossoms. They are still my favorites for flavor and ease of picking.
Stefaneener, it might be a slow tomato summer, but I'm sure in the beans!
Your beans look so good. I confess-I have a TON of them getting large and woody right now-it's been so hot the past few days , I can't bear the thought of processing them right now. (I don't have air conditioning). I have tons in the freezer already, so I'm letting this batch go to waste. I'll put them in the compost when it cools down.
That is a good looking bean harvest, and I absolutely believe you would jump in and hand reel in a fish! I think once our beans get going I am going to get a big harvest of them myself this year. The pole and runner beans are just now flowering but the Royal Burgundy bush beans are setting pods as we speak. If we got just a little bit of warmth they would be ready for harvest in a flash - but the forecast remains mild and even damp for the weekend. (sigh)
ReplyDeleteAG- In my mind I am holding up my hands over my head giving you that 'you rock' bit. Love those beans!!
ReplyDeleteLovely beans! Can't beat a good deal!
ReplyDeleteOh Granny, I have bean envy. My poor plants were eaten as soon as they emerged from the ground, and I am beanless this year. Do have plenty of cucumbers however so maybe this was just meant to be the year of the cukes. Enjoy your lovely harvest.
ReplyDeleteSue, my two dogs eat green beans and chicken every day, so I can use as many as I can grow. Do the math....365 cups of green beans a year, LOL! They don't even care if the ones I give them are a bit on the tough, overgrown side. I just cook a big pot full a couple times a week, and keep them ready in the fridge.
Kitsap, my Contender beans were really prolific this spring, but the Royal Burgundy have been stingy, and the Dragon's Tongue have done nothing for me. I'm just tickled at the way these baby beans are producing, and the flavor was excellent. They will be "people beans", the pups will have to eat the other varieties. They're such little things (the beans, not the pups), it takes a lot of them for a meal. I cooked 50 beans for two of us last night, which was just a nice sized serving.
Thanks, Kelly! I loved those beans, too.
Shawn Ann, I'm always happy when I get an excellent crop for a really small investment :-)
Yeah, you might have more beans than me, old woman, but at least mine are purple. You only have common green ones!
ReplyDeleteSo put that in your pipe and smoke it!
TIG, I'm sorry, little one, but I also have purple beans. To show them would only have embarrassed you further.
Linda, one of my pole bean plantings came up and then was eaten right to the ground. I replanted, putting the seeds every two inches instead of four, and some of them made it. There's still a big bare space where they were eaten again. I didn't plant many cucumbers this year, as I was overwhelmed with them last year. I made way too many pickles!