In the meantime, both of us were awake half the night, worrying that we had somehow thrown them away with the packing materials. My son had taken all of the cardboard and Styrofoam with him and disposed of it in their dumpster. I called him right away when we discovered we had no legs, but the dumpster had been emptied in the morning! Well, now we can rest easy that our sofa and love seat are not made for midgets.
The new furniture looks great! Good thing you found those legs :-) We have been looking for a leather recliner the last few weeks. We currently have one of those leather recliners with the metal base. Well the welds let loose and to fix it the chairs has to be un-upholstered. We have not found anything yet, furniture costs a fortune here. Its starts at 1400 for the recliner or 1000 with fabric. We are hoping to find something used but it good condition.
ReplyDeleteDan, we considered leather furniture, but Annie and Otto have long toenails that would most likely scuff it. I almost bought a leather recliner, but that would have been worse, as Annie hoists herself up by the leg rest!
ReplyDeleteWhile researching the set I bought, I found it on line for $25 less, with free shipping and no sales tax ($108.00 sales tax), but delivery time was 4-6 weeks and we'll be in Arizona by then. Here they charge $75 for delivery, so we hauled it and set it up ourselves. If we'd had it done, we probably wouldn't have had to worry about the legs! I don't suppose you could find a company in the states that would ship to Canada? I was surprised I found my set right away, and I saw a lot of leather furniture on the websites I visited. Maybe find the model you like, then do an on line search for it?
ReplyDeleteI know there is a furniture store in Colville, Wa (Saundra's) which delivers to Canada. Not sure what area Dan is in though. I am sure there are others near the border though in other areas.
ReplyDeleteLove the new living room furniture Granny :)
Adele57, Dan is on the other coast, but I would think there would be one that delivered there. I'm guessing they probably charge so much to take goods across the border, that there would be no savings.
ReplyDeleteThanks, I think I'm going to like it. The puffy seats will take some getting used to, but they are comfortable. I imagine once they're sat on a bit, they'll flatten out. Maybe too much! I hope they don't get lumpy like a down filled pillow.
You gave me a good laugh with the whole "no legs" story from beginning to this conclusion! :D
ReplyDeleteYou are such a hoot!
Thank goodness you found the legs, who knew they hid them so well. The new furniture looks great.
ReplyDeleteKitsap & Char, you think they could have said something like "Some assembly required, legs are inside the dust cover". LOL! It's funny now, but wasn't so funny when we discovered they were missing.
ReplyDeleteso happy you found the legs. We purchased our couch at a clearance center, it was there because it had no feet. $ years later we have yet to add any, we are just used to the reduced height, lol.
ReplyDeleteOne thing about it, Kelly, is without the feet or legs, you don't have to worry about cleaning under it! And nothing can roll underneath ans become lost.
ReplyDeleteSo true, and with dogs & hardwoods not having to clean underneath is huge. that dollar sign was meant to say 4.
ReplyDeleteWe were just at the furniture store this weekend, and I was wooed by a nice leather sectional. The sales guy came over and I explained that my kids will ruin anything, that I was just enjoying it for a moment. He had me try and stick a ball point pen through the leather. This stuff takes 400-500 lbs to puncture according to him. It sure as hell better for the price tag (pen left not even a mark)!! Anyway, one of my dogs sleeps on our leather sofa and so far so good.
Kelly, I really worried about Annie's toenails scuffing leather. They are really sharp, and hooked, even though I do try to keep them clipped...a traumatic experience for her. She sticks her head in my armpit and whimpers when I get out the clippers! All I do is remove the hooked ends, for heaven's sake.