3/20 Planted 9 early red variety and 6 Yukon Gold in a 6" high 3'x4' bed.

4/25 Early potatoes are growing.

5/9 Added a 6" high box to the top of the bed for 12" total, and began hilling.

5/14 (today) I did the final hilling.

A side view shows how tall they have grown in their 12" deep box.

Well you had me beat with ugliest garden plant. Now you have me beat with prettiest potato. Your spinach is rivaling mine. Tell me at least my peppers are looking great. Throw me a bone somewhere. ;>
ReplyDeleteYour spuds are really looking good. I needed to get mine in like 2 weeks ago. I think I have to many things on the go at once.
ReplyDeleteLOL, Daphne! I just couldn't resist. Really, that wasn't fair to you. I have a very reliable source for seed potatoes, and I got mine in much earlier than you did. I'm sure yours will catch up real soon.
ReplyDeleteIf it makes you feel better, the leaf miners got into the spinach. That may have been my last really good picking of the spring.
I went out yesterday and put sticks around the stems of my borage, at least what is left of them. Thanks for the tip!
Dan, I wish I had room for more, I'd sure plant them! I only posted about my potatoes to tease Daphne. She has a lovely garden, and it makes me feel so good when I can beat her at something ;-)
ReplyDeleteGranny - that's kinda the same way I did my white potatoes in the 4 x 9 box. Of course, it's only 5-1/2" deep, but I added enough soil around the plants to amount to around 8" of coverage....I sure hope they do well. Yours look great!
ReplyDeleteEG, my potato bed is bottomless, and I put the seed potatoes very near the bottom of the 5 1/2" deep box #1. As you can see, there is probably an inch, maybe two at most left in box #2 so I'd guess those potatoes are buried about 8" deep, which is what I was aiming for....6-8".
ReplyDeleteLovely taters. I was thinking I'd like to make a box to set into the raised bed just where the taters are so I can mound them up. Problem is they're growing at different rates so the bakers are ready to be mounded up while the Yukon Golds haven't barely cracked the surface. What a fickle bunch of plants! I love that yours grow so consistently.
ReplyDeleteJenn, they really don't grow the same. The Yukon Gold are way smaller (later) than the red whatevers I planted. I just poured the soil from a bucket around the bigger ones, then waited a few days and did the same with the YGs, but the big ones have way more green showing...probably 8-10 inches taller! I may have to add a bit of soil over the YGs in another week or two to bring the level even over the entire bed.
ReplyDeleteYour potato plants looks so healthy. I bet you can't wait for that first meal from them. What's your favorite potato dish?
ReplyDeleteYour potatoes look so nice! Mine are just starting to peek out. We haven't gotten any more snow lately, so things seem to be picking up now.
ReplyDeleteSue: I've never met a potato dish I didn't like :-) I like them baked, boiled, fried or scalloped. I like them plain with real butter, or baked and loaded with butter, sour cream and chives. I like them cooked with a pot roast and smothered in gravy. Heck, I even like home grown, fresh potatoes raw!
ReplyDeleteAmy: We're actually supposed to warm up to the high 80s by next week, with lows in the mid-50s at night, so I'm expecting my garden to really take off. It's been too cold, especially at night, for most of the stuff to grow.
Well OK I'm feeling better now. I have a row cover on most of my spinach so I probably won't have a lot of leaf miner problem. I am however picking those little white eggs off of my chard everyday.
ReplyDeleteAAHHH!!! It's peer pressure. Everyone's growing potatoes. I can't stand it. I've got to conform.
ReplyDeleteYes, Ribbit...get those taters in the ground now!
ReplyDeleteThen repeat after me...."It is not a competition, it is not a competition, it is not a competition".
Dangit, I just want mine to hurry up! I may not have the largest tater harvest, but mine will be first! Ha! "EG sticks tongue out and says Nyah....." Oh! and those babies will see the scales.....heh. *Smooches*
ReplyDeleteYour potatoes look so nice and healthy! I can't wait to see your harvest :-) WTG!
ReplyDeleteOK, EG...you've forced me into combat mode. Having run out of room, I took over my neighbor's side of the fence and added two hills of zucchini and two hills of cucumbers, with more bush beans in the plan. The battle is on!!! In all fairness, I do think we have to disqualify any future 80-pound melons.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Judy. Our temps are rising now (finally), so we should see some real growth in the next couple of weeks!
ReplyDeleteIt feels good to finally join the party -- I ordered my potatoes finally today, after setting up a box for them by the main garden. I'll be watching here for tips. I know I'm late, but I'm inspired.
ReplyDeleteStefaneener, welcome to the potato party! Looks like we're going to have to round up some potato recipes before long ;-)
ReplyDeleteGreat looking potato patch granny! Mine are just now really getting a move on with growth because our spring has been so wet and cold. As soon as we started getting an occassional warm day or two - they got with the program and are working to catch up.
ReplyDeleteWoo-hoo, KitsapFG...our night time temps are supposed to get out of the 30s for the rest of the month now. I think this has been the coldest May on record for us, as far as night temperatures go. With days in the 80s and even up to 90 next week, maybe the peppers and tomatoes will finally take off.
ReplyDeleteSo I use your blog as inspiration, along with EG's. I planned a couple of potatoes in my garden without any knowledge of them at all. Now I had to stake up the growth, after adding a cardboard box! Of course I discover your site after i started.
ReplyDeleteIf you want a good laugh, take a look at my blog.
EricMcc, Your gardens are looking beautiful! I think it's great that you thought to add a box over those potatoes, and they sure are growing like mad. You're going to have a good harvest from what might have been "garbage"! I might be tying my potato vines up soon, too. :-)
ReplyDeleteThat's a really nice looking compost bin you made, and I didn't know that celery would grow from the piece I always toss into the compost. I'll have to try that!
Thanks for visiting my blog. I will be watching yours, too.