I just couldn't wait any longer. I had to pull a couple of carrots, just to see how close they are to eating size. They're still way too small, but I'm sure Cookie will love them....stems, leaves and all. In fact, he's nibbling at them like mad right now.

I also cut two individual heads of lettuce for our dinner. The pretty one on the left is a Yugoslavian Red from Dan, the green one is Buttercrunch. I pinched back some of the basil so it will bush out a bit more. With another small bowl of lettuce leaves, that brought today's harvest to 13 ounces. That puts my total 2009 harvest at exactly 13 pounds. Not bad for mostly greens!
I didn't weigh the four strawberries I picked today. They went straight from the garden to Mr. H's tummy. It's been a long time since we've eaten fresh picked berries!
* Added another 6 ounces to the produce total, I needed onions for tonight's chicken & noodles.
I wrote about Dan's lettuces today too, but not the one you had. I'm envious of your carrots. I keep looking at mine, but they are a ways off, even for thinnings. I think I still have a couple of weeks for those. I really want something besides greens out of my garden. Carrots would be really nice. I'm not saying I don't appreciate my greens. I do. The tatsoi in my soup tonight was divine, but sometimes a bit more variety would be good.
ReplyDeleteI was so tired of eating spinach, I blanched my last batch and froze it. It pains me to cook spinach. I start with that huge pile of it and end up with two tiny bags in the freezer. At least when eaten raw it lasts way more than two meals. I was going to do Minestrone with spinach, but didn't have any tomatoes (and did have fresh basil). Next picking, Minestrone!
ReplyDeleteHow large do you let your spinach leaves get, Granny? I think I waited a bit long on my spring batch and they tasted funky.
ReplyDeleteThe new air compressor is a thing of beauty. :D
ReplyDeleteThe harvest looks good granny. I too am getting quite ready for the next seasonal produce to make their grand debut. The greens have been superior this spring, but I am ready for peas, carrots, and broccoli. Luckily, I don't think it will be much longer for any of the above.
I don't know what is nicer the compressor or the lettuce. I can't wait for my Yugoslavian red to colour up like yours, mine are still babies.
ReplyDeleteRibbit, for salads I use the baby spinach, not more than 2-3" long. If it gets larger and rather tough, I cook it. My big (hand size) leaves were still quite tender, but not as good used raw as those baby leaves.
ReplyDeleteKitsapFG, my cabbages look like they are heading up now. I'm anxious for those! I also thought it looked like one broccoli was beginning to form a head, or it might be a cauliflower (they got mixed up). I have two varieties of bush beans beginning to blossom, and sugar snap peas coming soon.
ReplyDeleteI'm a real "pretty lettuce" sucker. All of my lettuce seeds have stopped germinating, weirdly. I hate to think I'm going to have to buy new varieties, but I think I may. Buttercrunch, yummmmmm.
ReplyDeleteDoes the new compressor mean the shed is going to be done, oh, tomorrow?
Dan, I made Mr. H a salad of that entire small head of Yug. Red. He really enjoyed it. My younger son stayed for diner, so he got the head of buttercrunch. I ate the rabbit's lettuce ;-) It was a combination of both of the above, and very tasty with a fruit based dressing.
ReplyDeleteThe compressor was a great buy. It was on sale, plus we had a coupon for another discount, so it was under $100. It's twice the size of our old one for about the same amount of money.
Stefaneener, I wish. I'm afraid John won't be available until Saturday, so tomorrow we head for Lowe's for supplies (there was a problem with the free OSB, will blog the sob story next). From now on we have to work him evenings and weekends, so progress will be a bit slower.
ReplyDeleteI love pretty lettuces. The sparrows love my green leaf lettuces, but don't bother the reds or buttercrunch that much. My Black Seeded Simpson is in shreds.
You are a good wife. You shared the first few strawberries with hubby.
ReplyDeleteCheryl, not only did I share, I dipped each one in a little sugar and fed them to him one at a time. That's above and beyond the call of duty.
OOhooh such a nice harvest! My carrots are so much punier, they're still only an inch or two tall haha.
ReplyDeleteLOL, Cynthia...my carrots are more stem than carrot! But I hope they'll be an edible size in about two more weeks. Carrots are one of my favorite garden veggies, so I plant a LOT of them.
ReplyDeleteOoooh, buttercrunch-the best!!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for mine. I'm also trying Red Sails, which is coming up nicely, and wow, pretty!
Sue, buttercrunch has become my new favorite. It's so much crisper when chilled than the others, a good lettuce for those of us who (ahem) happen to like iceberg.
ReplyDeleteNice new "toy" ya got there!
ReplyDeleteI had to chuckle at your paprika toast comment! lol Sounds like something I would do. Good lord I hope it's not a "senior moment"! I'm a little young for that, which makes me a bit afraid of what's to come! lol I usually just blame it on my ADD. :P
Ok, breathe out now breathe in, out-in, out-in, lettuce, what lettuce it hard to see past this paper bag.
John, you're so funny! I picked another 12 ounces of lettuce today, a lovely head each of (1) Black Seeded Simpson (2) Yugoslavian Red and (3) Red Romaine. Sad to say I have no more buttercrunch, I'm eating the last of that right now. It was my favorite, so I'll be starting more of it.
ReplyDeleteAnnie's Granny, your garden is looking wonderful and a big inspiration for my periodic gardening fever. I see that you have planted quite a few raised beds in your yard and I love those potato pictures of yours! I do not visit online blogs as often as I would like to, but when I visit after a long time, and I see the plants all grown up (!) it inspires awe.
ReplyDeleteThewannabegardener, I welcome your visits! I hope I can inspire you to succumb to that gardening fever more often.
ReplyDeleteHey there! Long time no comment :) Great harvest! My first harvest was yesterday. Leaf lettuces and a big sprig of basil :) I don't have a scale, but it was enough for two big salads. I wanted to post the picture to my blog, but for some reason I wasn't able to send it to my blog from my Blackberry. I thought I set that up, but it's not working!! Bummer. But I did post it on Facebook, so that was awesome. Annie is gorgeous :)
ReplyDeleteKalena Michele, that's great! Those home grown salads taste soooo good.
ReplyDeleteWe think Annie is quite gorgeous, too. I probably should get a newer picture of her. She was just a puppy when that was taken, and she and Otto are a whole 16 months old now.
I love that you weigh your produce! I would like to try doing that next year!
ReplyDeleteRosey Pollen, I thought it would be fun to weigh it this year, but my neighbor thought I'd lost my senses yesterday when I gave her a bunch of produce, then said "Oh, give it back...it hasn't been weighed yet!"