I broke the fifty pound mark with this week's harvest. Of course nearly 34 pounds of that has been lettuce! Actually the total for the year has been higher, but none of the Arizona garden produce from early in the year was weighed. That consisted of quite a bit of........lettuce!
Not everything got photographed this week. Several times I ran out to the garden to pull an onion, so none of those got their pictures taken. The lone strawberry didn't even make it into the house.

6/6 -
Calabrese broccoli, 12 oz. &
Summercrisp lettuce, 6 oz.

6/6 - 6 oz. of the
Summercrisp on its way to the compost due to slug damage. Weight not added to the week's total, of course.

6/7 -
Austrian Red lettuce, 16 oz. and 16 inches across. Still sweet and tender, though.

6/7 - A basket full of
Red Sails lettuce, 21 oz.

6/8 -
Austrian Red lettuce, 27 oz.

6/9 -
Calabrese broccoli, 8 oz.

Paris Island Romaine lettuce, 40 oz.

6/10 Turnips, 14 oz.

6/11 - Kale, 15 oz &
Red Sails lettuce, 17 oz.

6/12 - Lettuce, mostly
Paris Island Romaine, 60 oz. Only 39 oz. is being added to the total, and 21 ounces went to the compost bin. At this point, I'm very choosy about which leaves I keep for consumption, because the refrigerator is full again.
Total harvest for the week: 15.81 pounds
Total harvest for the year to date: 50.56 pounds
Please join in the Monday Harvest at
Daphne's Dandelions!
Phew, that's a lot of lettuce! Bunny must be one happy little Cookie. Great harvest as usual.
ReplyDeleteOh my, do you have lots and lots of lettuce. hahahaha! Wow. How do you eat it all?
ReplyDeleteWhat will you do with all that lettuce harvested at once? I could never find a use for it all even if we ate salad every day, lol.
ReplyDelete34 lbs of lettuce? Holy cats! Everything looks wonderful, especially the turnips.
ReplyDelete50 lbs of mostly lettuce. Crazy!
ReplyDeleteOh Granny, you beat me this week. Your lettuce has been amazing this year which isn't too surprising considering your weather. We seem to be going through wild swings. The plants aren't happy about it.
ReplyDeleteOh my I can't believe you have topped 50 lbs already! I should check mine, but I know it's probably nowhere near that. I didn't have any broccoli this year or radish or anything heavy so far, just lettuces and peas LOL
ReplyDeleteMy goodness Granny...34 lbs of lettuce!!! I am on overload with just 2 lbs this week!
ReplyDeleteYour broccoli is looking much better then mine is. We have had just too much hot weather here.
Lots of pretty lettuce!! I wonder if one can gain weight by eating 34 pounds of lettuce. I'd imagine not, because it's lettuce, but the idea of knowing that there is 34 pounds of something to eat (even in a couple of weeks...) is crazy!! It's a good thing you love salad!
ReplyDeleteDon't judge me when you see me scrounging around in your compost bin to take all that lettuce you're putting in there!
ReplyDeleteGreat harvest, and congrats on your lonely strawberry!
LOL, to everyone! That 34 pounds of lettuce was harvested over a two month period, not all at once!
ReplyDeleteI've not composted a single leaf of the good lettuce, only the damaged leaves (slugs & earwigs). The rabbit has a huge appetite, and much gets forced onto three of our four kids. Our youngest only buys iceberg that comes pre-shredded in a bag!
David, you can have the turnips. I'm not a fan. Maybe it's the variety, but the flavor is quite strong and not sweet. I need to find out what variety Daphne grows.
Megan, I'd probably lose weight on a salad diet IF I left off the oil and bacon.
Prairie Cat, just send a self addressed stamped envelope, and I'll mail you the excess lettuce! Ha-ha!
ReplyDeleteActually, that was about my fourth strawberry, but the first one of any size and flavor. The few I picked earlier were tiny and sour, this one was so sweet! They are a day neutral variety that are late to produce but give us berries until frost.
OK, glad to see that someone else has turnips to be the size of a baseball and others the size of a plum. Can't figure this out - same soil, planted at the same time, right next to each other.
ReplyDeleteJohanna, not just the turnips. I have rows of carrots, beets and chard where some are half the size of others in the same rows. All got the same soil amendments, same water, same everything. There are entire sections of rows where growth is stunted compared to the rest.
ReplyDeleteGranny, I missed you, but I bet you didn't even know I was gone what with you so busy swimming in all that lettuce. :-)
ReplyDeleteHa-ha, Thyme. I knew you were back, I just got too busy with The Project to catch up on blogs and comments today. I was sure I made a comment on your previous post....I think Blogger is playing tricks with comments lately. So, if you missed it before:
Hugs, too ;-)
Goodness, I thought I had a lot of lettuce! That is just insane! LOL! But you do have some pretty colors!
ReplyDeletehehe, I know you love us. :-)
ReplyDeleteShawn Ann, why do you think they call me "Crazy Granny"? LOL
ReplyDeleteThyme, yes I do!
ReplyDeleteYour broccoli looks wonderful. and those turnips. For all the trouble you've been having with those nasty bugs, I'm really glad to see you harvest a good root vegetable. Everything looks so delicious.
ReplyDeleteSo... let's see... to recap AG's harvest this week ... lettuce,lettuce, lettuce, something else, lettuce, lettuce, lettuce, another sometjing else, lettuce, lettuce, lettuce... and oh yes... some lettuce! LOL!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness that is alot of lettuce! It's a darn good thing you have Cookie around or you and Mr. Granny would be turning green from eating all those salads. :D
Question for you... what's your favorite things to do with your turnips? I have a limited repetoire of turnip uses and recipes and a huge patch of them growing (mostly for the tops for my hens but I want to put the roots to good use too)so fishing for some ideas from you because you always transform your abundant harvests into yummy things.
Jody, I was surprised I only found one wireworm in that batch of turnips, because they were grown in soil that grew potatoes last year. I expected to see a bunch!
Kitsap, you forgot....lettuce!
The only way I like (tolerate) turnips is to cut them into a small julienne and do the same with an equal amount of carrots. Cook in a bit of water, covered, until tender. Drain and add a good dollop of butter, and some s & p. Take a potato masher and semi-mash them together, leaving some of the julienne strips.
Laugh at my lettuce if you like, but Mr. Granny and I actually enjoyed tonight's big Romaine salad (with chive blossom vinegar, oil and sugar to sweeten...walnuts and craisins on mine) so much I made a second big bowlful for us! We had it with a hamburger/cabbage (& garden onion) casserole and fresh broccoli and garlic straight from garden to stove. Mr. G. even complimented everything!