June 29, 2011 - Wordless Wednesday


  1. Everything looks so pretty. I love the line of sweet williams. I was supposed to have some dianthus between my sweet alyssums to give them some collor, but so far the only one to bloom has been white. I want pink.

  2. Beautiful photos, Gran! Enjoy!

  3. Very pretty flowers! I love walking around my yard after a good day's work and enjoying the beauty of it.

  4. Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful!!
    (Of course, I'm a sucker for flowers!)
    Love the different shades of Dianthus. And I know where that Blue Birdhouse would look good---my house!

  5. Everything looks so lushious, all of them are pretty.

  6. Love the flowers, Granny! You show them so seldom.

  7. Thanks, everybody!

    No, Sue, you can't have my blue bird house....although it would match your blue roof beautifully! I need to make new roofs for the birdhouses, these warped badly through the winter.

  8. I love yellow as a contrast for pinks and reds... it really is a great complement color. So pretty!

  9. Absolutely Beautiful Granny!!

  10. "Now THAT'S a garden. Not like yours I'm going to do that."
    Comment from The Girl.

  11. "Flowers...are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world."

    - Ralph Waldo Emerson

  12. I see that your green thumb works for not only vegetables, but flowers as well. They are all so pretty and I love how they add so many colors and textures to the green vegetables garden. For flowers, I only have nasturtium and marigold growing in the garden right now (and even those haven't bloomed for me yet), but one of these days, I hope to beautify my garden as you have!

  13. Ohhhh, I love your flowers!!! Especially the sweet william. I tried for a few years to grow them, and for the first time this year, I was able to pick some to bring inside and give to my darling mother-in-law. Love them.

  14. Thanks to all for the nice comments.

    Ribbit, I think you had better plant flowers for The Girl! That gave me a good laugh, the best way to start the morning :-D

    Thyme, I forgot to take pics of the nasturtiums, marigolds and alyssum!

    I have to grow flowers this year, as the veggies are doing so poorly! My peppers are pitiful, my beets have baby bottoms and my tomatoes are dropping their blossoms. It will be a poor yield year, I fear.
