We Interrupt This Blog Series for an Important Announcement

I probably shouldn't have done it. You're not supposed to harvest rhubarb in it's first year, but I couldn't help myself. I really wanted one of these.........

There wasn't enough for a big pie, but just over 3 cups filled an 8" pie pan just fine. Mmmmmm, I can smell it, it's almost ready to come out of the oven. It's not burning on the top, I just like a lot of cinnamon sugar on my rhubarb pie crust :-)

Done! I hope it tastes as good as it looks and smells. It's been a long time since I last had rhubarb pie. Too long.
naughty, naughty.... how was it?
ReplyDeleteLucky you, we messed around and waited too long to harvest any of ours. I guess year #3 will be the year I get to try a pie. :(
ReplyDeleteIt's a long time since I've had rhubarb pie too. OK my mom made strawberry rhubarb pie when I was young. It was delicious. My mom wasn't the best cook, but her pies were fabulous. She must have gotten her recipes from her grandma.
ReplyDeleteMy first year rhubarb is tiny, but I didn't plant plants. I planted little tubers. I think they will take a couple of years.
Nartaya, I haven't tried it yet, still just looking at it while I eat my dinner!
EG, I'm so damned old I didn't know if I could wait another year! I decided I'd better grab it while the grabbing was good ;-)
Daphne, I think this was probably a one year old plant to start with, so a small harvest this year shouldn't hurt it. However, I did pull part of its central (new) growth accidentally. There are a couple more, but I'm afraid this will be an area open to rot. My bad!
Now I'm turning dark green with envy! Bad enough the shortage of rain and bees have given me a slow garden and I've tried to find a Rhubarb plant all Spring and have had no luck yet! I hope you enjoyed teasing me :o(
ReplyDeleteHeck, Ginny, if you lived closer to me I'd have a piece waiting for you. In fact, knowing you, you'd probably knock me out with that relaxing tea you make, and you'd eat the whole darned pie! ;-)
ReplyDeleteAnnie's Granny, your truly bad to the bone :o)
ReplyDeleteRut-Ro! You'll be fine :) They say that about strawberries to, but riddle me this, do the birds that steal them know about this rule? Yet the berries come back the second year!
ReplyDeleteAPG, I always said, if the good Lord didn't mean for them to fruit the first year, He wouldn't have given them blossoms! Soooo, if the rhubarb wasn't meant to be picked today, it wouldn't have had such big juicy stalks!
ReplyDeleteNartaya, it's delicious! Still warm, sweet-tart, tender crust.....perfect. I make pies so seldom any more, I always worry about the crust. No worries on this one!
ReplyDeleteI haven't touched mine (also in the first year)... I'm such a rule follower!!! That'll teach me!
ReplyDeleteYum! I made a rhubarb pie several weeks ago and it was gobbled up pronto! It really makes a wonderful pie.
ReplyDeleteHeidi, where have you been? Neither one of you have blogged in ages :-(
ReplyDeleteAre you planning on going back to AZ this winter?
Kitsap, I have a feeling this one will go pretty fast, too! I might be freezing the raspberries for the next couple of days, we usually snack on those in the evenings.
ReplyDeleteThat looks absolutely delicious. One of my favorites... I may have to get soem too.
ReplyDeleteDavid, I like it with a beaten egg stirred into the fruit/sugar/flour mixture. It seems to take some of the bitterness out of the rhubarb. Lots of sugar, of course. It's a good thing we don't eat it often :-)
ReplyDeleteRhubarb is something I'm looking at adding next year. I never knew you shouldn't harvest in the first year.
ReplyDeleteAh Granny, but to have a splinter of your wisdom!
That pie looks heavenly!! I don't blame you for picking that rhubarb! I gotta get me some rhubarb to plant!
ReplyDeleteCan't say that I blame you, that pie is making my mouth water!
ReplyDeleteI don't blame you for breaking the rules. The stalks look robust and ready for harvesting. I hope you enjoyed your pie.
ReplyDeleteGrowing up we always had rhubarb in the corner of our garden. However, I never acquired a taste for it. When I asked K if he liked strawberry-rhubarb pie, he said it was a shame to ruin a strawberry pie that way. LOL!
Now that sounds good....mmm.
ReplyDeleteYou did it! Looks yummy!
ReplyDeleteMmmmm. I see why you couldn't resist.
ReplyDeleteI'm waving y index finger at you, Gran. I planted my rhubarb last year and it has yet to grow stems tempting enough for me to pick. I'll have to admire your pie form afar.
ReplyDeleteTIG, I can't afford to give you a splinter of my wisdom. That's all I have left!
Robin, I don't know why I went so many (22) years without a rhubarb plant. I had a huge one in my previous garden. I guess it's something we don't eat all that often, so I hated to give up precious space in this small yard to grow it.
Kelly, it was good!
LOL, Rachel, thankfully Mr. Granny does love rhubarb pie. Yes, the stalk were definitely large enough to harvest, those four stalks measured nearly 4 cups cut up.
Mr. H., Erin & Jody...just one word. Yummmm!
Thomas, composted manure, manure and more manure. Rhubarb loves it, and I'm talking shovels full all over and around the plant in the early spring, just at or before it emerges. Lots and lots of water, as the roots go very deep. I've also been giving it composted manure tea every couple of weeks and have side dressed it with even more manure! My rhubarb is full of sh**!
ReplyDeleteI won't tell on ya. And the pie looks so good.
ReplyDeleteI'm singing Mr. Roger's tune in my head----won't you be my neighbor!!
I'm thinking you must be driving the neighbors CRAZY with all those beautiful smells coming out of your kitchen. Prop those windows open wide. Bwa hahahaha!!
Sue, I'd love for you to be my neighbor! Then I could look at gorgeous flowers instead of weeds.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE rhubarb! We grew it while I was growing up in Minnesota, but I've never attempted it here. I wonder if it would grow in So Cal...
ReplyDeleteZentmrs, I've heard it won't grow in the south, but I'd sure give it a try. Maybe in the shade? Maybe toss ice cubes at it once in a while? LOL
ReplyDeleteOh, that looks wonderful! I think it should be fine, taking just a little this first year. My mom used to make a rhubarb crisp that was out of this world. We planted some rhubarb last spring, but it died. We were pretty bummed. Next spring, though, we'll be trying again!