When things begin to go wrong, it seems as though everything goes wrong. I even titled this post "January 20".
What to do, what to do? I've shared photos of one of my granddogs with you before. Little Kobi is so precious to us, and even more precious to the humans he owns. He's eight years old, and the love of their lives. Well, last week Scott drove to the bank, and when he got out of the car Kobi jumped out unnoticed. It wasn't until Scott got home, about 15 minutes later, that he realized the dog was gone. He went back to the bank to look for him. I guess he approached a woman across the street who said she saw the dog, and that someone in a blue van drove up, opened the door, and the dog jumped in. She was sure it was his dog, she described him and even identified his leopard print collar. Really. She saw the collar across four lanes of traffic. And actually made note of it. Scott went back later to ask her more questions, and he said it took her a very long time to come to the door and he heard several dogs barking inside. He was quite suspicious of her story.
Of course we've been driving around the area every day, and have printed out and distributed a bunch of fliers. This morning a woman called to say she remembered seeing the dog that day. She took special notice, because he was so cute and was wandering around the parking lot (she was in the bank drive through). She said a Hispanic male walked over and picked him up and walked toward the front of the bank (the direction of the house where the woman who saw the "blue van" lives). She also said there was no blue van at the bank at all, just a black car.
Shortly after the first phone call, daughter Amy (her phone # is on the fliers) got another phone call. This time it was from a Hispanic male, who said "I have your dog, and I want $500." She asked where she could meet him to pick up the dog, and he hung up. No phone number, the number was blocked. Of course, there is no way to know if this person actually has the dog, or if he'd just arrange to meet someone and then rob them. Although a reward was offered on the fliers, no amount was given. Scott did, however, post on Facebook that they'd pay $500 to get the dog back. Ha! Like he has $500....he's disabled and unemployed! (Mom? Dad? Please?)
The police were already contacted about the dog the day he went missing. Of course there's nothing they can do, other than have a record of the report, as nothing criminal had happened. They were also called after the last phone call, as this could turn into either a dangerous situation or downright extortion.
In the meantime, we're all worried sick about Kobi. Now we're quite sure it wasn't some nice family that picked him up so he wouldn't get hit by a car, or probably not even someone who just wanted him because he's cute. It's more likely someone who will try to get money for him, any way they can.
On a less serious note, the other thing that went wrong was the new living room furniture I bought last summer. The sofa and love seat (not a cheap set) had "down stuffed cushions". Well, the "down" turned out to be feathers, and they work through the fabric and poke you in the butt when you sit down. Not to mention feathers all over the living room. I finally pulled the covers off and encased the inner cushion and feathers in large plastic garbage bags. You can imagine how uncomfortable those were to sit on, besides the fact the covers wouldn't stay on straight due to the slick plastic underneath. And every time someone sat on them, the air would rush out of the bags and make embarrassing sounds. I finally decided I had to do something, so I bought a roll of some 1-inch thick stuff called Nu-Foam, which is a woven fabric that is used in cushions and such, and supposed to be better than foam. To fit inside the covers, it had to be sharp around the edges, yet puffier through the seat area where the feather filling was. That meant cut it to fit, then hand stitch it to the inner lining. A time consuming, back killing job.

I'm so sorry to hear about Kobi. We always worried horribly when our first dog would run away (he was an escape artist). Luckily he always came back.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear of the recent crazyness in life.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about your granddog Kobi. People are just horrible. Can the police go to that woman's house and check to see if the dog is in there? I think maybe you should do a stake out Granny.
ReplyDeleteHopefully Kobi will be returned.
My heart is aching for poor Kobi! I wish I could give some advice. Heck I wish i lived nearby and I'd come do some stealth detective work on those people! Can you call the local SPCA and maybe ask them for advice? Also make sure all the vet clinics have a flier and when you drop them off, tell them the story that you think someone took him and is trying to get money. They'll be extra wary of anyone coming in with a dog like that. Oh and don't forget about pet stores, they usually have bulletin boards too.
ReplyDeleteStake out the house and see what you can find. They'd have to walk the dog/let him out on occasion.
Grrr, people like that make me mad!
I am NOT laughing about your couch set--but when you wrote that when people sit down , it makes "embarrasing sounds, I just roared. Oh, I am so sorry to hear about the dog and the couch set. Not a good week. I hope they find him. And I hope the people that sold you that set get fleas!
Daphne, our Otto would gladly follow anyone down the street if he could. He thinks everyone loves him. At least our dogs are licensed and have name tags with our phone numbers, Kobi had nothing to identify him.
Thanks, Stay @ Home. It's usually not that crazy around here, at least not bad crazy. Good crazy is OK.
Robin, the police won't do anything, nor will animal control. No crime has been committed. The police said if we find Kobi, they can come and remove him from the premises. I would imagine we'd have to prove he was Kobi!
1st. Man, we have been taking turns staking out the house. The yard is unfenced though, and much of the back is hidden behind a garage. It's not in a real safe part of town, and the only place we can park to watch the back is in the parking lot of a closed down business. Mr. Granny spent part of the morning down there, and daughter Amy was there this afternoon. Two of the people came out, but no dog. They do have at least one dog in the house, a large one that sits in the window inside the curtains. I have a terrible feeling we'll not see Kobi again.
Sue, I heard you laughing all the way up here in WA! Yes I did!
I wonder if the bank would be willing to work with you on giving you any video they might have?
ReplyDeleteMight be a stretch..since no "crime" was committed. But, hey, dog theft! Worth a shot, right?
That house sounds super shady. What is wrong with people! So sorry you have to go through this! Are there other nearby neighbors to ask about the weird ones?
Laura, no...already checked with them and they will not look at their video to see where a dog went. In fact, they insist they have no way to look at it. HA! So why have it? The dog is important to us, not so much to them. The house is a very run down one of only two houses on the block, and the other house is really run down. Just vacant lots and closed down businesses nearby. It's in an area that's better known for drive by shootings than for nice dog rescuers. We can't even contact animal control until tomorrow, as they've been closed since Friday when the dog went missing.
ReplyDeletegranny, i'm so sorry to hear about kobi. my sister's dog went missing but they found him a few days later under the boardwalk in atlantic city. i hope your kobi story has a happy ending!
ReplyDeleteSo sad that people would behave that way toward family with missing furbaby. Hope your boy will be found and returned safely.
ReplyDeleteKelli & Jenny, oh I do hope so! He;s such a little sweetie, I hope whoever has him is treating him well.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear about your son's dog. I sure hope you guys find him safe and sound. What a heart breaking story.
Kris, thank you. We hope and pray he's returned safely or at least being well cared for.
ReplyDeleteGranny, My heart is breaking over the news of Kobi. I too would stake out the house in question with a camera. All dogs need to go outside to do their business eventually. I can't believe the police haven't been more helpful. I bet if you got some rescue folks in your area involved you would get to the bottom of this. I was involved in dog rescues for a while and these are absolutely passionate people who often love dogs more than people.
ReplyDeleteI am sure you know this, but be diligent in calling your local shelters every day and ask them what you can do to find Kobi. Sometimes there are different people there every day and they may have different knowledge. Also check in with Petfinder.com every day and even post to their forum.
I see your local Tri-Cities Animal Shelter isn't open on Mondays, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that they can help you tomorrow.
Rachel, we'll be heading to the local animal shelter first thing in the morning. Thanks for the tip about Petfinder, I hadn't thought about them. Our entire downtown consists of Hispanic businesses, so maybe some of them would let us post a flier in their window. The fliers have been printed in both English and Spanish.
ReplyDeleteGranny, I'm so sad to hear about your Kobi. Grrrrr.... people like that just make me so mad! My hope for them is that "the fleas of a thousand camels infest their armpits!!" Bummer about your couch.
ReplyDeleteHere's hoping this week is better for you, and you get some great news about your little Kobi grand-dog.
That's terrible about Kobi! I believe that house definitely has your dog in there, I would try the avenue of calling not the SPCA but your local Animal Control, they have certain authority from the city/county to investigate and enter places for the welfare of animals and are able to deal with this better than the local police since their primary responsibility is for their human citizens. When I worked in that field, I always used to recommend that people get the word "REWARD" engraved on the collar to encourage people to call who might not otherwise do so, but never specify the amount. Also the word "SEIZURES" gets a lot of dogs back home since people usually don't want to deal with that. I'll be praying these people do the right thing. As for the couch, ouch! What a pain, all these things all at once!
ReplyDeleteErin, our local animal control is not known for their compassion, but we are heading down there this morning. Another trip around "the house" will be done, also.
ReplyDeleteI want to print out a few fliers WITH a reward amount of say $250 and have my son approach the woman at that house and nicely ask if she would pass them out to people in her neighborhood. That's more than they could probably get by selling the dog, and they definitely look like they could use the money. It might just tempt her to return him if she does have him.
Thanks, Lori. I'm with you on the fleas....just don't get them on Kobi ;-)
ReplyDeleteOh that is a horrible story. I hope it ends well for your family and Kobi, this must be very hard for them to deal with.
ReplyDeleteThat's so sad, both of them!!
ReplyDeleteI'd report them to the ASPCA b/c who knows what they're doing to care for those poor pets. I think the police should do something. I see that as a stolen dog which is a legal issue. Dogs are seen as property too. MAN what a nightmare.
ReplyDeleteI would personally pay the money OR make the police come with me to get the dog back. It's like a bad kidnapping situation. You know they have to resell those dogs also for money online. Tell them to look for his pic online and do a search for dogs in the craigslist ads, etc. That's so very very wrong it's crazy. People are so cruel sometimes!
I will pray for Kobi and your family. Grr that makes me so mad. I'd die if that happened to my Toby dog! He's my sweetheart!
Tera suggested recording their call if they call back via an answering machine. not sure how that'd help other than evidence if u did find her. Very upsetting to know people do stuff like that. I'm so sorry for your daughter and family!
ReplyDeleteWas looking at rope lights too, and not sure how long yours are. Great idea that I'm thinking of also. The seed heating mats cost so much for the size we need.
I am so sorry to hear about your dog, I just read this post. I have 3 and they are like family, I can imagine how you feel----there are some really disturbed people out there in this world....don't give up!
ReplyDeleteWe were driving through Chicago after a vacation when I was a child( we lived in the suburbs back then:-) and our dog jumped out of our boat as we were driving through the city!
A man noticed it and he was waving at us and we just could not figure out what he was doing..well, to cut the story short, we were all so upset since it happened on the expressway...we thought our dog was gone for good/he died...we did get him back! Don't give up...:-)It did take some time and a lot of prayers...
I'm for Robin's stake out idea. I think that lady knows something, or maybe even has Kobe.
ReplyDeleteWhy are people so mean? Your poor son AND that poor dog and probably feeling quite lost right now without each other. So sad (and MADDENING!)
ReplyDeleteI hope he bites them =) and then they return him...
I know he won't but hey - a girl can hope!
Jody, we've been doing daily drive-bys. It's in an area of town that could very well be a gang house or a crack house, not the best neighborhood. Unfortunately, there's nowhere to park to keep a watch on the house. The closed bank next door would make us too obvious.
ReplyDeleteOh, Lizard, I so agree! We actually thought we'd found him this morning, but it turned out to be a larger, fluffier Pomeranian that was picked up in the same area of town, about 6 blocks from where Kobi was lost. Another disappointment. Yes, my son is very depressed. To the point I worry about him.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear such sad tidings, but the farting cushion made me laugh!
ReplyDeleteDavid, I must say....when our granddaughter brought her new husband to meet us last week, he was very discreet about the sofa sounds as he sat down ;-)
ReplyDeleteOh no. I hope Kobi is found soon. I'll pray that he is.
ReplyDeleteGarnny so sorry to hear about the family dog. It is amazing what some people will do for a buck. Sure hope it works out. Do have to laugh about the furniture but certain not about the expense and disappointment
ReplyDeleteDid your son ever got his Kobi back? I hope so. it's too sad to think otherwise.
ReplyDeleteNo, Jenny. We actually printed up 1000 fliers, in English and Spanish, and passed them out. Offered a $500 reward. Nothing. I just hope, wherever he is, he is being loved and cared for.