January 26, 2010: No WIFI, Hot Onions and Happy Birthday to Me

Here I thought all would be well with the WIFI connections down here at last. Wrong. I should have known "unlimited access for only $10 a month" was too good to be true. Unlimited has turned into daily emails from the administrator, who is spending all his time monitoring individual bandwidth use, admonishing me for excess usage. I actually downloaded Windows Defender and its updates yesterday! I basically told him where he could put his internet access, and now I'm back to using the library facilities. Sorry, but I'm not going to limit my downloads to the hours of 12:30 a.m to 5:30 a.m., as he is requesting. I happen to like to sleep at night. If I can catch the RV Park manager across the street, I'll see if I can purchase WIFI from them. If not, I'll be back to Tuesdays and Wednesdays for another month.

The salad from last night's harvest was delicious, as usual, but those onions were HOT!! They are red onions, from sets. I would assume they would be nice and mild in the green onion stage, but no...they were really HOT!

I'm seventy-one years old today. That's older than dirt.


  1. Happy, happy birthday to you! The campground we are in has free internet But the band was not wide enough for all the users. Could not get on or got kicked off. We gave up and got Quest. Nancy

  2. Aw, that is not older than dirt. :) Happy birthday, Grannie! (And thanks for the tip about the red onions used in green stage being hot. I might try some sets this coming season, since my hubby loves his onions eye-watering hot.)

  3. Happy Birthday, OB! You're not older than dirt. Just more ancient than I am. :P

  4. Happy birthday, Granny!! So sorry to hear you're having problems with the internet provider. I can't believe that guy doesn't have anything better to do than monitor how much time people spend on the internet.. If you talk to him again, send him my way. I have plenty of chores that can keep him busy!!

  5. Woohoo!!! Happy birthday, Granny! 71 is a drop in the bucket. I'd sing and dance for you, but you'd go blind and deaf.

  6. Happy Birthday! That lettuce looks delicious. I wouldn't have guessed the onions would be hot either!

  7. I remember when I thought 30 was ancient...until I hit 30, and then 40 and then -- well, that's enough of that. You are a very well kept 70-year-old.

    Happy B-Day!!!

  8. OOH, I forgot to say:
    Hot onions? Maybe they're making up for the bland jalopenos.

  9. Sounds awfully "Big Brother" to me...hopefully this guy can't monitor what sites you are visiting. I used to work in in the insurance industry (something I don't miss) and this sounds like a classic bait and switch to me.

  10. happy birthday granny!!! xoxoxo

  11. 71 years young! Happy birthday Annie's Granny. I hope that I am at least half as cool as you when I reach 70.:)

  12. Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Annie's Grannieeeeee, happy birthday to you! Was I in fine voice or not?
    71 years young! Happy Birthday. Diana

  13. Happy Birthday AG...71 years young you mean!! I like your attitude AG :)

  14. Happy Birthday, hope you get your internet access sorted.

  15. Happy Birthday!!!

    So sorry about the internet issues.

  16. Happy Birthday Granny! Wishing you the best.

  17. Oh no losing your internet is a terrible way to celebrate your birthday. I hope you had a happy birthday in other ways though.

  18. Ah, what a WONDERFUL thing to be older than dirt! Dirt is exceptional stuff, highly underrated, and to surpass it's qualities is an accomplishment indeed! Happy Birthday Gran, and don't worry about that "Intermittent-Internet", we will always be here, and I must admit, highly anticipating your return to the WA garden! Good on you for giving it to the WIFI man :)

  19. Happy Birthday AG! I hope you get the gift of a better internet connection at least for your birthday! LOL!

    That service provider sounds like a whack job. What part of "unlimited" did he not understand?

    My green onions are starting to get some growth on them luckily, since I am down to just a few storage onions left and will need to start leaning on green onions very soon for daily cooking needs.

  20. I hope your internet woes are soon resolved. We still have to reboot the modem once in a while.

    Happiest of birthdays. Not older than dirt at all -- you're the same age as my DH. Your hot onions will be tasty in a stew.

  21. Happy Birthday to you!!! Have a great One...

  22. Happy belated birthday Granny! Not sure how to remember your birthday, when you never look any older?

    Hope you had a great day! Such a blessed lady with your wonderful family, grandchildren & doggies. Can't leave out your mad veggie growing skills either :-)

  23. Oh, Dan. That's good. Someone taught him well, Granny.

  24. Ribbit, I think I'd like to adopt him ;-)
