October 11, 2010: Harvest Monday Update

Having written the Monday Harvest post late last night, after a hard day of packing, beaning and cleaning, I forgot to add in the poundage!

38 oz. cucumbers
3 oz. pole beans
47 oz. tomatoes
21 oz. lettuce
283 oz. sweet peppers (final)
11 oz. basil
3 oz, radishes

Total for week: 406 ounces = 25 pounds
Total year to date: 897 pounds

Although that was my last "Monday Harvest", it won't be my final harvest from this garden. I still have several butternut squash, some carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers.

I'll easily go over 900 pounds for the year, which is quite a bit lower than last year's 1070 pounds. I'm not complainin'!


  1. I'm amazed at how much you get from the garden each year, as it's quite impressive! I hope you have a safe trip!

  2. Thanks, EG. If I can just get past those slot machines in Nevada.....

  3. Nice job on your harvest! A year ago, I would have been flabbergasted. What am I saying? I AM flabbergasted! This is the first year I've kept track of the harvest from my garden. I am totally amazed at what is taken off of a relatively small space. Just seems almost impossible, really. Will definitely be keeping track next year!!

  4. Lori, it never ceases to amaze me just how much produce is taken out of my small spaces. I'm sure we could just about cut our food bill to nothing if we took advantage of all I grow. We tend to get tired of a lot of it towards the end of the season, and then I start giving it away.

  5. Granny, that's an awesome amount of produce. Half a ton! But I don't think you could cut your food bill to nothing unless you were able to trade for milk, meat, eggs, flour, sugar, rice, coffee, chocolate--you know, the essentials.

    As per your request, I posted my recipe for homemade tomato soup on my blog today. I call it Bloody Mary Soup. Have a safe trip to AZ. I look forward to following the progress of your southern garden through the winter.

  6. Lou Murray, thank you! I'm headed your way right now.

    I'm afraid my AZ "garden" will be nothing but a lettuce patch. Of course, I say that now. Who knows what will end up there! It is just two tiny boxes, though.
