I took advantage of this sunny and warm day to catch up with a few garden chores. Such days have been few and far between this spring, and rain showers are predicted for later in the day.

The first chore on my list was to take care of the disaster that is the Fortex pole beans. They just couldn't handle being attacked by cold weather and slugs/bugs/birds. At first I was going to just dig them under and then replant, but I decided to leave them all in place (there's always hope!) and sacrifice the few radishes that were left in the adjoining row.

Small, but large enough to go into Mr. Granny's salad tonight. Our rabbit, Cookie, will eat all of the radish tops, so there is no waste here.

Of course, I kicked over the beans while I was preparing a bed for them.

There we go.....a second row that will hopefully fill in for all the missing vines from the earlier planting.

And then I kicked over the container of remaining beans. Again.

The second chore on my list was to dig up a few morning glories from the right side of this bed and move them to the back, so that the entire corner can someday be covered with vines. Those that were along the back froze right after they were set out. The others had been direct seeded. They all managed to survive, so thinning was necessary.

A final cleanup and the kennel garden is nearly finished.

Just one more chore to do in the kennel garden, and that is to plant up a pot of bush cucumbers. I don't know why they call them "bush", as they always manage to do a pretty good job of climbing. They did well last year, planted in a pot and trained up a tepee structure, then trained onto the chain link of the kennel. A pot was filled with potting mix, then watered well with
hot water. Hot water wets the dry mix immediately, where cold water just likes to sit on top and take forever to soak in.

Once the potting mix cooled down, two seedlings were planted. Two more will be standing by, just in case the first two don't survive.

Not on my list of to-do, but I took time to admire a California Poppy. I'm sure it's happy to feel the sunshine on its shoulders, too.
I just purchased 4 bush cucumbers. I wasn't prepared to stake them, I thought thought that was the purpose of "bush" cucumbers. May have to run out for a few more stakes tomorrow now.
ReplyDeleteLooks like you have been busy!
ReplyDeletermgales, they will perform just fine without staking, but they will take up quite a bit of space. I planted a hill of 2 plants at my neighbor's last year, unstaked, and they filled a 3'x6' area. I can grow the same two in a pot, staked, and only take up about a square foot or two of space. I must say, her unstaked and in-ground planted cucumbers out performed mine in the pots. I just don't have enough spare room to grow them that way.
Sheila, not too busy today, but if the weather stays warm I plan on getting busier!
Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy :o) A good ole John Denver song.. I love it too! I had to wait until the sun went down in an area so I could plant more cabbage ..I planted a lot of cabbage this year..so proud that I started with seeds ..that lived and flourished, in the pot..I ordered some crock weights today.( the plates were a pain in the rear and not heavy enough) .hoping I have a good harvest for sauerkraut, I want to be ready..
ReplyDeletePoor beans, hopefully the second planting does much better. Its got to stay warm now!
ReplyDeleteWe saw some sun here too across the continent in Maine. It was brief, but it was lovely. Bonus was it included an increase in temperature of 30 degrees.
ReplyDeleteSorry for your spilling beans. I washed a radish seed package this week. It was in the pocket of my windpants I wore last weekend.
Ginny, I sure wish I liked sauerkraut, because I'm going to have a lot of cabbages! We do like Kielbasa stew with cabbage, and hamburger cabbage casserole, and cole slaw, so I suppose it will all get eaten one way or another.
Dan, I sure hope so! The only beans that didn't suffer were the Royal Burgundy bush beans. They must be really tough!
Rachel, rain was predicted for this afternoon, but it stayed sunny and warm all day! Here it is, 7:30 pm, and it's still 72 degrees outside! I'm lovin' it!
I just had to chuckle, you spilled the beans over...lol...I am dropping seeds all the time and knocking things over...kindred spirits-lol:-) Roberta
ReplyDeleteRoberta, once would have been bad enough, but I kicked them over twice! I never learn ;-)
ReplyDeleteI had no idea that hot water was the trick with potting mix. I dislike using seed starting mix because it almost seems to repel water. This tip will come in handy!
ReplyDeleteBean kicker. ;)
ReplyDeleteHa! I feel much better now because I am always "spilling the beans"! What is is about a package of bean seeds that begs to be knocked over a few times?!
ReplyDeleteGlad you were able to make use of the sunshine. I was at work during the favorable weather and missed this window of opportunity. My garden did appear to appreciate it though.
Sue, hot water is the trick on anything with peat moss in it, including straight peat moss. If I get a big bag or bale of that, I run a hose into my laundry room and hook it up to the hot water, cut a slit in the top of the plastic and insert the hose, let the really hot water run in slowly. It absorbs the water immediately.
Kelly, yeah, I'd rather kick my kids but they all left home. Actually, two of them are coming over for coffee this morning. Maybe I'll give 'em a kick or two. Keeps them in line.
Kitsap, the warm sunshine was sure short lived. It's supposed to be back down in the 60s and rainy today. I'm glad I got all those beans kicked yesterday ;-)
I haven't seen bush cucumber seeds around here. Most of my bush beans have germinated! A couple that didn't make it will be reseeded.
ReplyDeleteYour weather seems like mine. We finally got some warmth too. The weathermen all predicted rain for the last couple of days, but we didn't get much. Mostly we had sun yesterday. Today is all sunny. Whoohoo! And I was out replanting beans. It happens.
ReplyDeleteI had a little helper when I planted beans, and let's just say that he felt inclined to plant several at a time -- in one spot. Globs of them came up, and had to be thinned down. Every time I look at those beans now, I smile.
ReplyDeleteRandom, these are Burpee Bush Champion cucmbers, from the seed rack at Wal-Mart.
Daphne, we woke up to rain and cold weather again. It's supposed to be in the 60s and rainy all week :-(
Dianefaith, I was planning on having a little helper this year. too. Unfortunately, it's been to cold for us to play outside on her visiting days.
Regarding the bean-kicking, what can you say, except "practice makes perfect?"
ReplyDeleteLOL, Lisa and Rob, maybe I should try for a field goal!
ReplyDeleteLooks like you were very busy!
ReplyDeleteThose california poppies grow everywhere near where I'm at. I like to look at them too.
ZZ, I can only get one busy day in at a time, then the weather turns bad!
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to let those poppies reseed all over those beds if they want. I need color and low maintenance there.